Does anybody have information on carbon fibre and how it is used in the making of surfboards. if so please email me any info. Cheers dudes
It presently isn’t used in many boards. There isn’t the knowledge among many builders (some of the guys here are acceptions to that) on how to use the material properly and on current pricing, which is much more reasonable than in the past. However, there are some articles in the archives that do outline it’s use.
We have made a 12’ paddleboard out of carbon fiber and some fins, but no surfboards. We HAVE made a couple of boards out of spectra, or white kevlar. Made with 1 lb. foam, these boards are ULTRA light and responsive. (can also be used to hide behind in the case of a shootout [smile] )
last week I was surfing Tamarack. A dude was ridind a black carbon fiber longboard…He said he was test riding for the people who made it…I didn’t get the name, sorry. he also said the they where being glassed in Mexico City. [frown]
Tom Morey and a guy with the last name Pope. Cant remember where I heard the info, only that they are the inventors of the original Trisect/Bisect. Also, the carbon fiber they are making is hollow. I believe their factory is somewhere around Ventura, CA.
His name is Carl Pope
There’s an add in Longboard about a fin he made of carbon fiber & he is standing next to a board that looks to be made of the same stuf.Maybe contact him.
contact Thane Pope at Pope bisect.they are making, and have made, hollow, carbon fibre longboards as well as fins.(board designed by Yater)
I’ve been using carbon fiber on the inside of 4 of my hollow boards… The stiffness it adds, allowed me to eliminate the 1/8" plywood that was backing for the 1/8" Cedar / Balsa surface woods…It also gives the board a more highly “tuned” feel…I also use carbon fiber to re-inforce both sides of the 1/8" Lauan plywood stringer…On my current board, I used carbon fiber between the layers of 1/8" plywood that are the inner rails… Cost wise, I feel it’s worth it to use premiunm grade materials…