Surfers and Marketing

Hello everybody, I am new in this site and I’m trying to write a paper for my school about the Surf Industry and Marketing. I’m really hoping that some of you could give me some good tips about this branch.

my first questions is:

  1. What are the options for a Surf shop to differentiate themselves from the competition? for example quicksilver

2. How would you implement these ideas (time, budget)?

thanks a lot for all your Feedbacks





Welcome here mate, wait for a solid reply… :stuck_out_tongue:

Quicksilver is Brand. They sell a life style Primarily clothing that appeals teens and twenty somethings.  Many here would not consider it a surf shop.  

Come up with a good clever name now spend the coin on a cool looking Logo.   You are now on your way to becoming the Banana Republic, Abercromby Finch of so called surf world.  Lets not forget That AF has their own " Surf Brand Holister. 

Rusty, Hurley, Billabong, Honolua, etc. etc.  Brands, not surf shops.

As stated above, do not confuse brands with surfshops.

Brands are generally a product or line of products that are manufactured and distributed thru retail entities which may include brick n mortar surfshops, internet sales and other methods of selling.

Brand, in a broader sense, can mean the identity an enterprising entity can create, promote and sell.

The Kardashian family has created themselves as a brand, then proceeded to spin off products from their original branding. 

This example is probably the epitomy of some people wanting to be famous while not really having any extraordinary special talent.

Promote thyself and they will come?

It could be argued (I suppose) that their talent is in promotion of themselves, which in turn qualified them to expand into becoming clothing, jewelry and fragrance designers. 

I have a hard time comparing them to an actor or artist who has spent years of formal education in perfecting their craft.

Branding is all pervasive at this point in time, so it is probably  pointless to question the validity of it much further.

In contrast, surfshops can establish and exude a personality not to be confused with branding. It may be that a surfshop’s image is created and communicated as more of an identity resulting from their personal business philosophy and practices.

Surfshops fall under a larger more generalized category known as “speciality shops” which often times center around sports or activities that require some specialized knowledge of the equipment being used:  snow or water skiis, bicycles, boats, kites, skateboards, roller skates, archery, hunting, camping and other activities.

Some specialty shops combine any of the above to appeal to a larger segment of society in the hopes of capturing a larger market share. Many specialty shops sell some type of clothing that appeals to the enthusiasts that patronize their stores for the specialized equipment. Clothing, sunglasses, footwear, and other items increase sales for the retail entity while providing convenience for the shopper that may seek a closer identity and image related to their sport or activity of preference.

… thats about as academic as I want to get at this point, so class is over now and I hope I’ve jump started your thinking a bit… my college years are long past. At this point,  I’m plenty happy to stick on my shorts and head back into the shaping room.


"…and the Hurleys of the world transformed their companies into music
lifestyle empires, the Katin brand stayed true to its heritage. We can
never not be a surf company.”

part of a sentence by co owner of Katin surf shop in California, that I just read…


There are surf shops that march at their own beat, I guess.

…Except selling and liscensing thier image and brand to a much bigger company…

“Everything sells everything” … Walt Disney