Is it really more rampant in colder water? I know there’s a lot in Santa Cruz.
How about tropical waters like Hawaii?
Use custom fit ear plugs, as store bought fall out.
Use a hood too, in cold water???
Even when “clean rating” Healthebay.org. the water in So Cal is hopelessly polluted. Besides usual culprits, Santa Barbara has a lot of tar. In fact, it’s very small particles everywhere and ends up in your ears too. I have barely visable tar particals all over me every session. I can imagine what it does to ears…
Seems to be a cold water phenomenon. I recently had a bout with tinnitus, so in my research for a cure, I found the above article. Hope it helps.
Howzit 220, Wind is also a factor, fishermen who don't even swim get it. As for tropical weather, you can still get it,I had a bad case in the late 70's but I went on a high maintainence program and was able to reverse the condition but it took about 5 years.Aloha,Kokua
What kind of high maintenance program was it? I was thinking of custom ear plugs. Someone said that there’s a hat with ear flaps that work well. While not keeping all the water out, the flaps do stop high impact water in the ears and stops the wind too.
1. Is it really more rampant in colder water? I know there's a lot in Santa Cruz.
How about tropical waters like Hawaii?
Use custom fit ear plugs, as store bought fall out.
Use a hood too, in cold water???
Even when “clean rating” Healthebay.org. the water in So Cal is hopelessly polluted. Besides usual culprits, Santa Barbara has a lot of tar. In fact, it’s very small particles everywhere and ends up in your ears too. I have barely visable tar particals all over me every session. I can imagine what it does to ears…
One study in Japanese divers compared divers from different regions - there was no real surfer’s ear in divers who never went in water colder than 68F.
It is caused by cold. Cold water and/or wind in the ear canal. It is a very slow process, slow to occur, slow to go away. People concerned about it in SF wear plugs and hoods until it is just too dern warm and then the hood comes off.
It really varies from person to person. Even for people who surf in very cold water. Some people get rapid(relatively, refer to Blakestah) onset, some never get the growths. I was diagnosed with 25 to 30 percent closure 25 years ago. I wear my hood, no plugs, religiously. Still at 25 to 30 percent closure. No better, no worse. Try to avoid the surgery. Pollution is a different question. You’ll need plugs that keep the water out. Don’t swallow it, either. Mike
It really varies from person to person. Even for people who surf in very cold water. Some people get rapid(relatively, refer to Blakestah) onset, some never get the growths. I was diagnosed with 25 to 30 percent closure 25 years ago. I wear my hood, no plugs, religiously. Still at 25 to 30 percent closure. No better, no worse. Try to avoid the surgery. Pollution is a different question. You’ll need plugs that keep the water out. Don’t swallow it, either. Mike
Here’s a thread on the same topic.
From what I’ve read in the past it’s more about wind. But cold is a big factor too. Wind blowing across water creates cold so you could be in a warm,windy area and still get surfers ear. See your doctor and ask him.
always wear a hood or ear plugs. Or both. So said my ENT doc… its prevented mine from getting any worse.
Howzit 220, my maintainence schedule was flushing the ear 3 to 4 times a week with a ear bulb syringe and then using a 50/50 mix of vinegar and rubbing alcohol to dry the ear canal and the vinegar abated the bony growths. My ears went from over 50% closed to totally open. I can't say exactly how long it took because it was about 10 years from the time the doc found the problem til I went back to see him. I still use the mixture but only after I wash my hair and have had no more problems.Aloha,Kokua
Surfers ear (exostoses-bone growth in the ear canal) is a protective reaction to cold. Causes loss of hearing. Increases chance of getting a secondary infection which is then painful. Ear plugs and/or hoods help
Swimmers ear (otitis externa) is an infection of the ear canal. Causes pain, if the infection is bad there is swelling in the canal and then loss of hearing. It is more likely to occur in humid warm tropical condition - prime for bacterial growth. 50/50 peroxide and alcohol or alcohol and vinegar is good prophylaxis, lay on your side and let it soak for five minutes or so on each side.
Hydrogen peroxide is not recommended for swimmer’s OR surfer’s ear. It is a non-selective cellular killer, and will result in increases in scar tissue. Whereas it is not gonna kill ya, you probably could do better with the most appropriate ear drops.
Ear drops for surfer’s ear: 95% rubbing alcohol, 5% glycerine
Ear drops for swimmer’s ear: 47.5% white vinegar, 47.5% rubbing alcohol, 5% glycerine
In either case, these are just flushes. Wash it in, all the way in, and let it come out. If swimmer’s ear gets bad you can get prescription ear drops with anti-biotic in them.
Vinegar is used to lower the pH and make the ear canal less hospitable for bacteria. It does not, and can not, dissolve bone away in the ear canal because there is a layer of skin covering the bone, and the vinegar will never contact the bone. If the skin is open you will feel the burn when you use the drops.
Surfer’s ear is caused by cold contact with the inner ear canal. Prevent water entry if you are in colder water (under 68F or so). I wear a hood and plugs, unless it is too hot, and then I just wear plugs.
Sometimes I do not know who people’s doctors are that recommend some of the stuff on the web. I am in regular contact, as part of my day job, with a half dozen ENT faculty at UCSF, and have spoken with them about these issues many times.
Kudos to you if you have found six ENT’s who agree on something, especially if they were ever trained in different settings.
Howzit blakestah, You are not the first person to say that vinegar doesn't abate the bony growth but that was the only answer the doctor who by the way was the same doc who found the growth the first time could figure was the cure. My ear canal was so bad that the doc wished he could take pics for reference and he blew his mind when he saw how open the canal was the second time. All I know is my ear canals are fine and open these days. Our bodies are not all the same and it's possible mine reacted in a positive manner to the vinegar.Aloha,Kokua
I use 40% vinegar, 35% olive oil and 25% raw garlic…mmmmm, tastes awesome!
this has been discussed many moons ago…but it is a combo of wind and cold temps.my friend did his masters theseis on this.we went from sd border to santa cruz.if ya want details, maybe it’s in the archives somewhere. bottom line, at least wear plugs, and if in cooler climates, add the hood.you can stop, and even retard the growth.aslo use preventative maintanance.i was diagnosed with 85 and 95%( the 95 being the windward ear) precent closure and at the time having problems.however,w ith afore mentioned measures, have kept it at bay, thus avoiding the surgery.