surfing and spanish

hello… i was wondering if any of you could point me in the direction of a surf destination with spanish language school close at hand. i am thinking of costa rica or mexico, but any suggestions are welcome. panama? i have learned about some spanish language schools on the west coast of costa rica, but wonder if the crowds and such are worth battling around christmas? i want to travel between dec.10 and dec.28… what else… should i ship a board, or buy/sell one at the destination? any insights?

matzatlan es urbanita.Y una escuela es naturalmente Y simpatica con bien olas chica…Google matzatlan universiitdad con linguistica? just a guess in baby spanish… why not spain?..ambrose…Sevilla,Barcelona Y plaza De Gaudi?..MMMMMAAAAAAAADRID…full imersion is the best teacher a tourit destination surf circumstance may dampen full crank linguistix and thats ok…but GAUDI? winter spain tickets would be cheep and Espana es muy intelegentia

Barcelona?, Sevilla?!!! No way. No waves there. Come to the north coast of Spain: Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria (where I live), Pais Vasco (Have you ever heard about Mundaka?). Don’t forget a thick wetsuit for winter.

Nigro, I know Ambrose can surf in Madrid if he want to.

Dragonfish, the coast from Cantabria to Galicia is a good place if you want to ride good waves (not world class) without crowds (stay away from Liencres, Salinas and Doninos).

Nigro, nos conocemos? de donde eres?

Good waves!


Soy de Santander. Suelo surfear en Somo. Cuando hay mucho mar busco alternativas: San Vicente, El pajaro amarillo, Laredo… Totalmente de acuerdo en lo de Liencres. ¿De donde eres tu?.

I live in Santander. I use to surf Somo. When the swell is pumping I go other places: San Vicente, El pajaro amarillo, Laredo…

Totally agree about Liencres. Where do you live?

yes madrid is not a surf spot.nor is barcelona or seville yet the spanish there is a true inspiration … as my remark was inspired by my personal facination with senor Gaudi thank you for speaking up about surf in Espana to inform my friend… now if only there was a language school in Galicia or Santander perhaps we could encourage travel to surf and learn espanol suprema and not new world spanish … ambrose … se habla espanol de mundo nuevo

searched google for galicia language school and went to typically spanish .com page 5 like 180+ spanish language schools in spain and also mexico

Hola, Nigro!

I’m from Guéthary, France. Unfortunately, unable to speak a single word in Spanish, but I’ve been to Baquio once and Laredo, too. Do you by chance know Esteban ROSES/FERRER? He’s an old friend of mine and he’s been involved a lot in the organisation of international contests, so maybe you know him.

Hello Nigro,

             my name is Coque Araujo, i'm from Vigo (Galicia), and this weekend i'll be judging the Ballantine's contest in Santander. I use to surf between Ribeira and Carballo... nice waves and no one around.

             I have some friends in your land (Borja Etxeberria, Robert Guning, Dave, Raul Garcia...) and when i'm there i use to surf in Suances (Los Locos, La Tablia and Tagle) most of the time.

              Write me to <script type="text/javascript">eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%63%6f%71%75%65%61%72%61%75%6a%6f%40%68%6f%74%6d%61%69%6c%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%63%6f%71%75%65%61%72%61%75%6a%6f%40%68%6f%74%6d%61%69%6c%2e%63%6f%6d%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))</script> if you want.

              Dragonfish, if you can, i would come to Spain. You'll learn a clean spanish and you'll enjoy your time here, for sure. South and Central America are great surfing destinations, but their spanish is really different from ours, buy a book from Spain, and a book from Mexico and you'll see what i'm talking about.

              If you're planning to stay here from dec. 10 to dec. 28, brig a 4.3 if you like the cold or a 5.4.3 and booties if you want to keep you warm (usually a 4.3 is enough).

               Good waves!



Definately Spain the people are really nice and the culture and history is great. The surf is great from around were Coque lives to Barritz. Mundaka is a wicked spot I surfed there just before the Billabong started. You look far to find a spot with suroundings like that. Since then I have vowed to learn Spanish and am going back for sure. I know someone that teaches English over there I can give you here details if you want I am sure she will be able to teach you Spanish. She lives in Mundaka.

I had the opportunity to spend a few weeks in South Spain near Rota. Even in the summer month of August El Palmar and Conil had some nice waves with El Pamar being the best. Food is very good although it needs more spice (kinda of blan compared to our Mexican bill of fare). I found the people really nice and the summer beach scenery eye opening. Winter would be better for the waves though.


Curious abou the statement “stay away from Liencres, Salinas and Doninos”. Why? Waves no good? People no good? Pollution?

I wrote that just because those three beach breaks are usually crowed and when they’re working, you can find good waves around without the crowds. I use them as my last option.

Also those three beach breaks have their locals, but i think that this wont be a problem if you know what you’re doing. I never had a trouble with locals.

I like surfing with good vibrations around, and i like seeing the people smiling in the water, so i try to stay away from places were people like to think that they’re on a contest. Anyway i surfed those three beach breaks several times.

Good empty waves!


hola! gracias por mucho informacion… i hadn’t even considered spain as an option, but now i suddenly feel myself drawn there, for waves and for all of the friendly, helpful advice. as it turns out, i bought a plane ticket to costa rica a few days ago, because it was very inexpensive and i am on a tight budget. but this summer i have 3 months off from nursing school and i am looking for a lovely, spanish speaking place (spain!) to reside for that time. what are the waves and water temperatures like in the summer there? thank you all for sharing your insight… nellyda

Hola Balsa,

No, I don’t know Esteban.

The summer is the worst season here: little waves and crowded. Although last summer we had good waves. Water temperature is around 20ºC.

In my crystal ball I see… You will fall in love w/“Centro,” and return again, and again, and again, like my brother has done for the last 15+ years. Warm everything! Just got done looking at “” Makes me hungry too! Peace nellyda - Taylor

I take fullresponsibikity for turning a simple question into a big production,amd maybe a world shaking oppertunity for estudio espanol primo y surfin’ tambien en la espirita de swaylocks…swaylaholics annomyus campout en espana? aieeee ha!.. ambrose… sans mordida de mexico? un fiesta de las olas exceptional!

swayholics invade mexico? I’m up for it. & have room for several others in my Land Cruiser…

no swaylocks en espana… muy fandango

…stopping by Guéthary on the way to Spain and meeting the whole “” gang and sharing good, big point waves? What about that, Ambrose? And another travel board going to France, then Spain, then God knows where…?