Surfing Goggles Anyone???

Anyone use 'em? These look good, mainly for swimming:

or these, mainly for surfing (scroll down to The Splash):

Whaddya think???

Are you looking for corrective lenses? I am almost totally blind (-4.5 in each eye) and cannot wear contact so I am always rigging glasses to be able to see. Oakley waterjackets can have perscriptions (but expensive) and sea specs too which are not too expensive. I have rigged a few pairs of old perscription sunglasses with head coards attachted with epoxy. I wouldn’t want goggles because everytime you fall and get water in them you have to take the time to empty them out and put them back on

Yes, prescription. I’d think swimmers goggles would be a wise choice. Probably more dry for your eyes but the impact of wipeouts might tear them off your head?

Some guys wear them in Indo, where the sun is too intense for most peep’s eyes. Stay on ok in wipeouts, if it’s really big enough, you grab for your trunks anyways.

I live in Kona, HI and I see people with them every so often. The sun is so intense during sunset it is difficult to even see the waves. There’s are few ole time out at Lyman’s that swear by them. They look so space age I have to giggle when I see them.

A hui ho, Jesse

I wear barz goggles, expensive but ok, especially nice when really cold, really sunny, or in a crowd when you just want to see. Also they are nice back on the beach when you are trying to find your family, and without them everything is a blur. i wear them about half the time. i lost a pair once so i use the the leash that goes around the neck, and I have lost the rubber eye cups sometimes. The leash is a must or you wil lose them. Polarized would probably be great.

here’s a link for Barz.

hey 220,

I use dispossable contact lenses which I only wear while surfing. They end up being fairly cheap if you use part time and they don’t get in the way. ( I very rarely lose them)

hope that helps,


I use the Barz and have used Spex in the past. The Barz can not only be tinted but the polarizing really works best The guys at Murrays are stand up if you have any difficulty with their products. Their new leash is vastly improved and they gave me a deal when I lost my old pair. They also have prescription swimming goggles. Spex product is big and bulky, kinda like Elvis glasses, but kept an injury to only three stiches to my eyelid.

Barz lens quality is superior

In either case you have to put up with fogging and some Johnson’s Baby shampoo helps. Also, your peripheral vision is compromised.

Both are covered under vision insurance of a 125 plan.


hey 220,

I use dispossable contact lenses which I only wear while surfing. They end up being fairly cheap if you use part time and they don’t get in the way. ( I very rarely lose them)

hope that helps,


Thanks but disposable contacts just cut my left eye. They’re also a pain to get in and out when you have no cleaning facilities nearby. Too much room for dirt and contamination. Thanks anyway.

howzit 220,

i wear silverfish glasses in the water. my right pupil is partially paralyzed and doesn’t constrict completely. i’ve lost one pair, but it was my fault. they weren’t tight enough.

they work well, as long as you tighten them after deep ducks and heavy wipeouts. they take a little getting used to, but they are uv and polarized…so my eyes no longer hurt after long sessions.

i think their website is and they advertise in the surf mags. nice guys and they run about $100. more if you want prescriptions.

hope this helps!

I’m about to get some here in West Oz, I think they are made by Barracuda.

For more info on this subject I started a thread a while ago about this.;search_string=lens;#167294

