Surfrider Foundation

Hey fellas, Just wanted to share my experience this past weekend at the Surfrider event “Indicator Day” in Palos Verdes. The Surfrider Foundation South Bay Chapter guys were very, very nice and they provided everything from bags and gloves to donuts and water. They were very organized and knew excatly what they wanted to accomplish. I was already there and surfing when they got everything set up. At 9am when I finally went to volunteer, the Surfrider guys were just hitting the water. The event was started at 8am and in just one hour, all of the volunteers had filled 40-50 bags of trash. But it didn’t stop there! They wheeled a tractor tire up the dirt path to the garbage and they also rounded up all of the washed-up fishing net that lay on the beach. Even in the afternoon people were still arriving to help out and I myself gathered a couple bags of trash. Channel 7 News showed up and took some footage which was really cool. At the end of the day, I had this feeling of fullfillment because I had done my share to help out the ocean that provides me with many, many hours of enjoyment. There is no other feeling like it when you know that what you have done will make a difference. I spent 2 hours just chatting with other volunteers and I am glad to say that I cannot wait for another event! I am looking forward to attending their monthly meeting coming up and I hope to become more active in the future. If you would like for the ocean to still be around for your children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren, volunteer at a Surfrider event or even become a member. There are many ways that you can help out, and many of us owe the ocean alot more than just one afternoon, I know I do. There are chapters all over the world, so look for your local chapter and offer your assistance. For more information, go to and do something about the destruction of our ocean. Thank you for your eyes. I cannot express enough how important it is for us to preserve the ocean. It may be the most abundant thing on this planet right now, but in the future it will not exist if we do not put a stop to it’s destruction.

thank you in taking pride in the protection of the greatest part of the panet earth…the ocean…thank you

thank you in taking pride in the protection of the greatest part of the > panet earth…the ocean…thank > you Thanks very much for your encouragement. We all need to do our part otherwise there will be nothing left to surf on.