SURFS UP !!!! 100year flood!!!

It's Raining and raining and raining. I think the worst here in Wailua Homesteads since 1973!! The water is comeing off the road and down my drive and trying to drown my shop. I blocked it off with cement blocks and have 2 sump pumps going and when the electric went off I worked out for 20 minutes with a 5 gallon bucket. I allmost lost the battle!! The water was creeping across the shop floor and I kept looking across at $5,000 in Narra plywood that was going to get it! Went through this 2 times today. The second time it was worse but the electric stayed on and the pumps were keeping up. Both of my fish ponds have topped out.And Konohiki stream which is normaly only a small trickle is a rageing river. All kinds of things are comeing down that river. Carbage cans, logs, furniture, gas cans!!!! I think of my friend who built 3 houses right next to Opaekaa stream. I warned him that in 1973 that area was under 6 feet of water!! He didn't beleive me. It's going to be an interesting one when this is all over. Maybe this is our 100 year flood!!! Everything is on hold till I dry out !!! Radio says the entire Hanalei valley is flooded !!! Many roads closed . Only had a little time to listen to weather reports.

Sounds like a dissaster !!!........times like this when all the niehbours will pull together and help , the real work starts when the rain stops..good luck !!!!

Time to build a retainer wall around your property or built everything 10' off the ground?

I hope you get through this mess without damage!

It’s the ‘Black Swan’ I tell ya…(reference to Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s book)… you should have placed a credit default swap (CDS, basically insurance) betting on your friend’s misfortune. Yes, that’s nasty or just seems wrong, but that’s the way you hedge against you’re own Black Swans, you bet on the misfortune of others, or you’re own for that matter, but it’s hardly as satisfying. (We humans really are dirt, aren’t we?)

That nonsense aside… it sounds pretty bad.


The rain stopped during the night. Time to go out and look around. Havent listened to the news. This is another case of SHIT Happens, pick your self up and keep on truckin. Will take a few days to dry the shop out.No damage there except wet floor which need to dry out before I can do any varnishing. I bought drain lines to protect shop from flooding last year but work got in the way and I didn't get them installed. To me this is no big deal. It took me 6 years to rebuild after hurricane Iniki .

stay safe and dry. was camping out there a couple of years ago and a storm destroyed the tent. slept in car. rain is no joke out there.

AMC III - How’s the “spoon” and the rest of the compound?

How are the rest of you Kauai brothers doing?