I may be uprooting from Sunny San Diego to go to the blustery cold Maryland. If I move near Annapolis, how far would I have to drive to surf??? What is the surf season like? Thank you, GF
I think it’s about an hour or so drive to Ocean City. I was recently confronted with the possibility of moving to the East Coast, and frantically bagan searching for EC surf links. There are several. Seek and you will find. Try this one for a starting point (check out its link page). If this link doesn’t work, just go to MSN.com and search under “Surfing Maryland.” http://http://www.beach-net.com/Surfhome.html
hmmm, I hope that you have a REALLLY good reason for the move! I am sure that you’re well aware of the inconsistent, small mushy surf that the whole of the east coast is known for. Now once you can look beyond that fact, there are some decent spots on the east coast that recieve some pretty nice surf. Bad thing is most of those spots are hours to the north and even farther south. True Ocean city, can get ok but it is pretty lame even by east coast standards. Now from Maryland heading North it doesn’t get good till you hit Ocean County in New Jersey, Here you will find really nice breaks like, Casino pier in Seaside, Manasquan inlet in Manasquan, Jenks in Point Pleasant. Another 2 hours or so will put you in Long Island at a number of long beach breaks like Gilgo, Robert Moses and an hour east from there you have Ditch Plains out at Montouk, though Long Island is only good a couple of times a month with a North wind. 2 hours from NYC will put you in Rhode Island, easily the east coast wave capitol with at least a dozen excellent breaks within a half hour of each other.The people there that I have met are the nicest bunch, and a real mellow scene with awsome wave potential, though the water rarley breaks 70 and in the winter can get down to the low 30’s, and yes a lot of people still surf in the dead of January. Now heading south from Maryland I am not to sure about but I think that the closest breaks are in the outer banks in North Carolina, which is I think a pretty hefty trip even from Maryland, definitely more than 4 or 5 hours. As a whole the east goes off from August till October with tropical season, and then the winter is usually consistent with NorEasters and lots of Low pressure systems kicking up nice swell. One thing to note is the relatively short swell windows…sometimes all you get is a low tide or if you’r lucky the swell will last a day or two. My advice, DON’T DO IT MAN!
Ocean County, that’s my old stompin ground. It may be small and mushy a lot, but at least it gets good there sometimes, and when it gets good it gets good. I moved to Humboldt County, Ca (extreme northern Ca) over a year ago, and I haven’t seen it get good yet. As far as I can tell the wind never goes offshore around here, and I have yet to surf in really glassy conditions. Maybe I’m missing something I don’t know. But there is a lot to be said about east coast surf when it gets good. I better stop I’m starting to get home sick. Or is it just surf sick?
I may be uprooting from Sunny San Diego to go to the blustery cold > Maryland. If I move near Annapolis, how far would I have to drive to > surf??? What is the surf season like?>>> Thank you,>>> GF It’s not that far a run from Maryland to the Outer Banks. I’m from South Jersey and make the run at least twice a year. It should only take you about 4 hours from Annapolis, that’s guess, and the outer banks has alot of camp grounds and weekly house rentals are cheap. Ocean City Maryland is about an hour from Annapolis and Indian River Delaware is about the same. You can hop the ferry over to South Jersey in Dealware. Best surf season is from September through Dec. The water is still in the low 60’s here until the end of Oct. and then drops into the 50’s through Dec. Then it gets too cold for me, it will drop into the 30’s. The Outer Banks water stays warmer becasue of the Gulf Stream. The surf does get very good on the East Coast, just not as often. Good Luck. Frank
Directions to the surf when you get to Maryland? Follow these instructions: Turn your car due west and drive for oh, about 3,000 miles or so and you should have no problem finding decent surf. Sorry, couldn’t resist!
I may be uprooting from Sunny San Diego to go to the blustery cold > Maryland. If I move near Annapolis, how far would I have to drive to > surf??? What is the surf season like?>>> Thank you,>>> GF Well Goofy Foot, you may be suprised to find some rather good fun wave along the Delmarva Peninsula. There are quite a few barrier islands to the south that offer un-jettied passes and many jetty breaks near the Delaware/Md. border. Oceancity has a good pier and the Indian River Inlet has 2 excellent breaks on the north and south sides. Outside of Indian river is a Bombora break on the shoal that never close out, but is 1/2 to one mile off shore! http://www.JimtheGenius@aol.com
Hey h2o…My wife’s from South Jersey…Pennsville. Next time I’m out that way (once a year) we should go for a surf. BTW, Have you (or anyone here) ever surfed Sandy Hook? From what I’ve seen, that looks like the nicest break out there…is it the only point break out there?
Hey h2o…My wife’s from South Jersey…Pennsville. Next time I’m out > that way (once a year) we should go for a surf. BTW, Have you (or anyone > here) ever surfed Sandy Hook? From what I’ve seen, that looks like the > nicest break out there…is it the only point break out there? I be more than happy to go for a surf with you, you have answered some of questions on here. Pennsville isn’t too far from me, I live in Estell Manor I doubt she ever heard of it. I never surfed north of Seaside, so I am not fimiliar with the break. Any real point breaks in the east start out at Moutak, NY(check that spelling) and points north. I don’t think Sandy Hook is a real point break.
I may be uprooting from Sunny San Diego to go to the blustery cold > Maryland. If I move near Annapolis, how far would I have to drive to > surf??? What is the surf season like?>>> Thank you,>>> GF As a longtime resident and surfer from the Annapolis area; let me roll out the welcome mat! I think you will like it here. Annapolis is a scenic and mellow town. lots of surfers here, Ocean City Md. and Del. beaches are fairley close and have numerous good surf breaks. Stoke and good vibes abound and hooting is a familiar sound. I`ve traveled a good bit and surfed some “great” spots but this place remains my favorite. Hope to see ya in the water! Bill