Survey: Do Airs Need Big Tails? Air,Weight,TailWidth,Volume

Survey: Do Airs Need Big Tails? Air,Weight,TailWidth,Volume

If you do (or don’t) do airs, please fill out this four variable survey in the specified format (just cut and paste it).  I’m going to write a script to tally the results and plot them for us.


(Y/N), (XXX_LBS OR XX_KG) , (XX.X_IN OR 0.XX_M), (XX_L)


For Example, just cut and past this as your response with the currect numbers that apply to you

(Y), (180_LBS) , (17.5_IN), (35_L)

Thanks a bunch guys.


Tom G

Note: if you don’t know a number just put a capitol X in it’s place

(Y), (180_LBS) , (17.5_IN), (35_L)

NOTE: To clarify, please mark (Y) if you have landed an air and (N) if you haven’t in the first variable


Tom, when you get back down to sea level…we can talk!


(Y), (175_LBS) , (14,75_IN), (23_L)

In our River all guys surf small boards and tails. The good surfers complete a full 360 during their air time. Bigger can be helpful, but in my opinion it’s only about the right technique and hitting a bump/lip at the perfect moment.