Sustainable resin alternatives

Hello from Australia

I was just wondering whether much research or initiative is going into finding environmentally sustainable alternatives to resin over there?

Also, I’m trying to remember a Dora quote, something along the lines of teachers and everyone on land going over the falls behind him. I cant place it exactly.

Any help much appreciated, good waves



Lets set the taps on the sheffelera trees for natural latex coverings and I have a source for tar balls up at Coal Oil Point

Dan, I don’t know if you ever found this,

“My whole life is this one wave. I drop into it, set the whole thing up, pull off the bottom turn, pull up into it, and go for my life… going for broke, man. And behind me, all the shit goes over my back: The screaming parents, teachers, police, priests, politicians, knee boarders, windsurfers. They’re all going over the falls, headfirst into the reef. Splat. And I’m shooting for my life and if it starts to close out, I pull out to the bottom and out to the back. And I pick up another one and do the same goddamn thing.”

				Miki Dora, Surfers the Movie, 1990