swayholics Kauai tusnami support party !!

Aloha ! I want to offer a place to stay for the support party!! My place is very small, a one bedroom studio! however I do have a pull down futon and a dry carport with a tent !!! If these accomadations sound liveable and you need a place to stay for the tusnami relief party let me know …

Aloha, Have a great surf ! Clyde Rodgers

Hey Clyde, nice offer, are you going to make it to Lydgate Park on Saturday?

Hope to see you there, or somewhere (surfing?) it’s always good to put faces with the names…

Hope to see you there, Clyde. Has anyone heard if Proneman’s found a place?

Aloha, Looking forward to meeting some new friends! We go surf Hanalei, call me , Clyde 808-651-1459

ps, the east side ( lydgate) is Ambrose land ! Does Ambrose know about this??

Aloha, Have a great surf ! Clyde www.edgefins.kauastyle.com

pss, Jimmy Jaz !!! Come on down and bring your Loc-Box system …

Howzit Clyde, yup Ambrose knows about all this, and Lydgate too. Tuna and I are staying up north, we’d be happy to meet you at Hanalei, I’m sure Gregg would too. We’ll give you a call…


I still have a couch that can be used if need be.

Also, I work very close to the airport. Not that anything is very far from it on Kauai. But if someone needs to be picked up on Friday the 22nd email me via private message.

Howzit Greg, Proneman posted an answer that he found a place. Aloha,Kokua