Swaylock : it seems the search engine isn't working *NM*

Thanks Pierre. Which one? The one in the green area at top? or the one specific for the forum? Mike

Thanks Pierre.>>> Which one? The one in the green area at top? or the one specific for the > forum?>>> Mike The one in the green area at top : I may, for example type “chine” or “bevel” and all I’ll get are 15 to 20 answers but all are links to resources, none are discussion threads (I’ve also tried with topics I know for sure I should get answers) Pierre

The one in the green area at top : I may, for example type > “chine” or “bevel” and all I’ll get are 15 to 20 > answers but all are links to resources, none are discussion threads (I’ve > also tried with topics I know for sure I should get answers)>>> Pierre Pierre, Thanks, I’ll look into it and check back when it’s fixed. Mike

Pierre, It’s fixed now. Thanks for alerting me to it and for being patient. Mike