Swaylocker on Wetsand

Who is the cool cat with the soul patch?


not sure what you’re looking at Roger but I stumbled upon this.


alot of work went into that site including the legal disclaimer on the bottom…

much better than most anything else I’m seen so far on the web even the hui’s like Pipedream in Australia…

slicker than FW/Surftech/GSI and it’s all custom.

what an interesting stable of shapers to choose from…

if teamed up with the Watermans Guild or Moonlight Glassing and hmmm

This is a good sign and some hope for the future of custom shapes…

surfboardbuilders is the result of a years worth of hard work by the guys at the CBS surfshop in Cardiff. We still believe that getting a custom board shaped by a great shaper is the ultimate option for buying a board…so we came up with this.

That is epic. wow. I like the way you can tweak the standard models. Custom. exactly. Will FW be able to do this?

sorry, new to some of the acronyms…FW?


thanks…some are offering parabolic rails (other non firewire brands of parabolic rails)…like Tim Bessell. I just ordered one of the Tim’s Eliminator models in a parabolic on Friday. I rode one of his for the first time a few weeks ago and really liked it, plus I wanted to order a board on our site. It was an Epoxy Pro version of a parabolic rail with the high density foam on the rail. When I asked him about it, he thought that parabolic rails in general will end up being the norm.

just to be fair some shapers have been getting unfavorable feedback on the parabolic rail boards. Greg Sauritch said he was talking with other high end shapers regarding feedback and they were hearing was that pro level guys generally don’t care for them because of the different flex. The consensus was that the hand shaped epoxy boards were great but not the parabolics.