Swaylockians in Aust

Has there been or are there any plans for a swaylocks get together in Australia… it would be good to see some of the activities in Australia that are happening in Cal.

There’s about 5 of us over here in WA, too expensive to travel east though and most of us have families…

Good idea though, could probably do one for a Sydney event that would attract the east coast crowd…

i would love travel to WA for an event… been wanting to get over there for years… got to do it before i end up with a family…

Why not bells at easter or to much of a circus,

now thats what I call advance planning!P.D. you got class thats the kind o’ tude that could draw a world wide sampling but whilst thems at bells thats when a spot about two hunert miles away will be unturned by the I know ship guys…zowie…


I’m persistent [sometimes!]…

I reckon if we can’t meet each other , then AT LEAST , maybe we could send some video footage or photos or something to each other of where we live , make boards , and surf …waddya reckon , fellow Aussies ?

As this [originally as a ‘world wide’ footage thingy] idea died in the arse on the main forum a fair while ago now …

maybe, now, just for the aussies…

maybe just low key stuff , “aussie style” … eg : stuff like …a few waves , ? skating footage ?, board / quiver footage …skateparks in your area …whatever !

good idea …or not ?

waddya reckon , Aussie crew ?




I reckon if we can’t meet each other , then AT LEAST , maybe we could send some video footage or photos or something to each other of where we live , make boards , and surf …waddya reckon , fellow Aussies ?

As this idea died in the arse on the main forum … so, maybe now, just for the aussies…maybe just low key stuff , “aussie style” … eg : stuff like …a few waves , ? skating footage ?, board / quiver shot[strike] , quick “g’day from …” style blurb thing , if ya want ? …your garage / workshop/ shed …whatever’s happening in your area surf , board [?and skatepark?] wise


Yeah! I think everyone can do it with photos! we can put them all together on powerpoint and make a slideshow video! Come on Aussie! Come on!

Hows about a new thread were we can do this.

I’ll post it in the SA section.


great Josh !

what is powerpoint ? [pardon my ignorance] …do you know how to do it , and the ‘slideshow video’ you mentioned ?

if it would show up here on the forum [? without shutting down the whole of swaylocks?] , maybe it could inspire the rest of the www surfers to post up THEIR www footage ?!

here’s hoping … [maybe I should just accept that the world - wide footage never happened , though !]

look forward to hearing from any of you fellow aussies , re: if you have footage or photos you’d like to share !

cheers ! 


( and now , a word from our sponsors … )

You guys rule! You better watch out, if ever get too much money I’m gonna come and buy pints all round.

cool , let us know when you’re coming …we will send a legion of hare krishna’s out to the airport to meet and greet you …just so you don’t get too homesick [by the way …“pints” are more english …we have middies and schooners and god knows what in west oz …I don’t drink …I’m guessing we have redbacks , quokkas , goannas , emus , dugites , white pointers …

I’ll make a start, how’s this Chip…

splendid Craig !!

…now I’m waiting to see Lucas’s , and Andy’s “latest additions” …he told me he now has a *** THRUSTER***!!! …well lord, mercy be !! …[“A.D.68” , where ARE you …are you lurking ??]


might even have to re-post my quiver…if I can find where I’ve put that shot … hang on , I think I know ?

okay, give me a minute …

thanks again Josh , for resurrecting the “slab” thread yesterday …

if I hadn’t seen this photo ( “my quiver, september 2004”) on that thread , I would have been racking my brains for where I posted it !!

three of the boards in this photo have become new shapes since september last year ! [another one , not shown , has been given away, as has the small blue “winged fish” on the left hand side of the photo]


g day ben i can send you some footage over, of waves in Nelson ,.Most of NZ thinks there is no surf here… ill get a cd together if you send addy in message ill get somethin to you in a few weeks we got about two hours edited of last summer footage


unreal thanks mate , that would be great ! [pm with address coming…]

is your footage digi video, analogue video, a vcr tape, or a dvd [or, “other” ??]

…just curious , as Grant can probably sort it out somehow [computer whiz, him …gumby , me !]


…all my stuff is on V.C.R. tapes [unfortunate, because I haven’t had a vcr for over a year now !!]. I would love to copy it to dvd one day !!

hi ben it will pprobably be a dvd or cd, havent finished putting together yet, ill send you a copy when i do

ps today scored the best waves i have ever seen at my local … it looked like indo

4ft perfect glassy barrels 10 guy out calling each other into waves.i had to close the shop cause my mate called you know… :slight_smile:

thanks mate …that would be great !

Any of your friends got water cameras, or would they “rather be surfing” too ?

pity someone wasn’t videoing you guys today then …

although, having said that , I find that [for me at least , and I’m sure I’m not the only one who has experienced this !] a surefire way to have your most kooky surf ever is to bring down a mate with a video camera / your wife/ girlfriend / family …


Well, hopefully …

…when Hicksy has finished the “Auslocks” board , all of the Swaylockian surfers in [?N.Z. and ?] Australia will get to ride it , and comment on it …see main “general discussion” forum …

cheers !


…once it’s left woz , the ball will be in YOUR court , though !

Hey dude

as for getting your VCR tapes onto DVD,

Years ago i bought a “digital TV card” for my computer

around 150 bucks

It lets me plug my tv antenna cable directly into my computer and watch tv on it,

But you can plug anything into it, your dvd, vcr, playstation,video camera etc and record it onto your computer.

Then you can burn it off to cd/vcd/DVD etc (if you have a dvd/cd writer)

I backed up alot of old VCr cassetts and also liked recording digital tv directly to my harddisk

Nowdays you can buy dvd players that copy disks, but they cost a fortune I reckon.

Oh, the other thing I thought was cool was that it came with a remote,

I could use the same remote in itunes and media player and even scroll around the screen clicking on stuff

(only really good for changing music from you couch or bar)