swaylocks 2005...will it happen

OK, perhaps this is a little early for this question, but will there be a Swaylocks 2005 at Big Sur?

I missed out last year for several reasons, but am now trying to schedule my trip to Ca. this coming September/October.

So Swaylockians…will it happen?

I sure as heck hope so, and am willing to help with planning, logistics, etc…

Yes it will happen but perhaps under new management…Let me check on a few things and I will post some more info.

Yeah, I’m trying to make pre-pre-pre-plans as well. Already have two and a half weeks of summer beach camping lined up with the family, but I WILL make this years Swaylocks shindig for sure. Damn, I keep saying that…

Right now, if it is at Plaskett Creek, the meeting will be in mid to late October…things are still in a bit of flux…