Swaylocks' Humble Beginnings...

There is a website at http://www.archive.org that has been archiving the internet since 1996.

If you search through you find some interesting links, like this one, to the first pages of swaylocks.


You can actually click on “discussion” and read old posts they had. Its really interesting to see back in 2001 some topics that still get brought up today.

I know there is the swaylocks archive, but this lets you see the entire website of swaylocks of old.

Blows me away.


i found this only post from Tom Sullivan to be interesting.

As the only one to have produced a how to eps vacuum forming instructional video back in 1997 it’s interesting to hear him question the use of EPS for surfboard construction without a high density shell and the responses…

the archives is the true treasure chest of sways


Blows me away.

I’ll tell you what is really interesing Lavz…

The lack of independent reviews, by real surfers of a certain brand of surfboard.

It still amazes me how little is actually known, of something that is so ‘popular’. I remember, even after flying across the pacific ocean, just how benign Greg’s review was. It almost seems ‘conspiratorial’.

I guess will world will just go with the words of just one very biased individual.

Strange, but par for the course.

Persistent you is craftee…

I’ll get there I promise… BUT we have had shit surfing conditions for a week. I have had it out in grovelling puss and thats about it.


I hope to be joining the little exclusive club soon

'cept mine will be american born and not WA bred.

looks like Keith had a pesky little one running around his place last weekend

wonder what the parents had to say about Jr.

a child always looks different to it’s parents

craftee, ya lost me. can you explain more?

"Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

humble 4 entries found for humble.

To select an entry, click on it. humble[1,adjective] humble[2,transitive verb] humble-bee humble pie Main Entry: 1hum·ble

Pronunciation: 'h&m-b&l also chiefly Southern '&m-

Function: adjective

Inflected Form(s): hum·bler /-b(&-)l&r/; hum·blest /-b(&-)l&st/

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin humilis low, humble, from humus earth; akin to Greek chthOn earth, chamai on the ground

1 : not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive

2 : reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission <a humble apology>

3 a : ranking low in a hierarchy or scale : INSIGNIFICANT, UNPRETENTIOUS b : not costly or luxurious <a humble contraption>

Get the Top 10 Search Results for “humble”

interesting , as something gets bigger , to try to still preserve a humble spirit …

My hope is that sways always exists as a place where people help each other like in definition 2 , above …

