Swaylocks Oahu Get Together 3-18-07

What: Swaylocks Oahu Gathering

Local style Pot luck, BYOB, Talk story, Enjoy each others company and if there’s waves, SURF!

When: March 18th, 11:00am to whenever

Where: Haleiwa, Puaena Pt (Waimea side along wall. This way we have grass too)

Howzit Carve, I read in the Advertiser that you are going to give a talk about SUP, good for you. Aloha,Kokua

are swaylockers from outside of Hawaii invited?

Howzit Keith, I’m sure any Swaylockers who happen to be on Oahu when it happens are more than welcome to attend. Aloha,Kokua

Howzit Kokua, I figured that was the case! As it so happens I will be there, so looking forward to seeing people! Anything I can bring?



Howzit Keith, I won't be there so you should get in touch with Carve. Aloha,Kokua

I can bet you’ll probably bring that new board you just finished over for a test run but if you want to travel light, you’re more than welcome to give anything in my quiver a go while you’re over here. I even have a used lime green 7-3" Terry Chung made for Alekai Kinimaka that’s pretty close in style to that new board you showed us at your house just smaller.

Someone should see if CMP wants to drop by if he’s not too busy with his home remodeling.


Someone should see if CMP wants to drop by if he’s not too busy with his home remodeling.

Great Idea! He just did a veneer on a Downwind 13’ Parmenter for my friend… Can’t wait to see it… I’ll mention this to him and it would be cool to have him there…

looking forward to seeing some Swaylockers, both those I’ve met before and those I haven’t.

If CMP is coming, should I bring my tow-in board?

First time in the Islands AND the swaylocks get-together!!! This spring break will cure my empty soul… (florida will do that to you). I only wish i could bring my #001 for you all to drool over (kidding of course). I cant wait to meet ya’ll, and pick some brains!!

Just like to say Larry from ProBox sent us some goodies with this note…

“Here are some fins for your Swaylocks party. Please give these out to your guests as you wish, from Probox and FiberGlasFin and Handshaper (Robin Mair) as our thanks for the support of Swaylocks members. Sorry Robin Mair and myself couldn’t be there. Mahalo, Larry Allison”

AWESOME!!! On behalf of the Hawaii members we say MAHALO!!!

Not sure how many people will show but if more than what you sent Uncle D said we’ll just throw names in a hat and pull for cool prizes… Good call Uncle D! See you guys tomorrow!!!



So how was the party?