Swaylocks: old vs. new

I love Swaylocks, BUT…

doesnt it seem like this forum is just getting way too much “ALL ABOUT SURFBOARDS”? As if thats all there is to riding waves! Ive seen in the old archived stuff such cool threads about wild ideas about so many different things! Check out the archives and see for yourselves! Theres a whole lot of creative thought that isnt representing here anymore. Too bad! Why? What happened?

Welcome aboard Mark!

yeah doesnt taste like chicken anymore.

Please post some ‘wild’ stuff, Mark…it’s one of the reasons I come here… “out there ideas” don’t get laughed at as much here

Well, there may be one or two narrow minds, but generally, everyone here is pretty open to lots of different stuff, in my experience here , anyway. Go for it mate !

            cheers ! 


in reply to : -

" I love Swaylocks, BUT…

doesnt it seem like this forum is just getting way too much “ALL ABOUT SURFBOARDS”? As if thats all there is to riding waves! Ive seen in the old archived stuff such cool threads about wild ideas about so many different things! Check out the archives and see for yourselves! Theres a whole lot of creative thought that isnt representing here anymore. Too bad! Why? What happened? "

Memories of the past can often seem as if it was better THAN.

However, we have to deal with the present before we can move onto the future.

So what controverial design can YOU conjure?

Thanks guys! This is an awesome place! How about this one from “Swaylock” way back on January 4, 2000, “Foils”:

“(I love answers that make more questions): Has anybody out there got a GG spoon? Ever ridden one?”

No, but I once speared a Fat Penguin in 6ft of water with a 7’0" Alexandar Gemini. How bout them apples.


Hey Mark -

The topic has wandered on occasion and I’ve even been known to get off track myself once in awhile. Cheyne Horan from down under dangled a little political bait once and I bit - hook, line and sinker, much to the chagrin of my fellow moderators.

One of my favorite threads wasn’t on this website, but over at S--------.com where they had some fun with it. I doubt if it would get very far over here. I may get my ass kicked for even posting the link…


Edit: Well, OK. It was actually TWO threads…


Hey Mark. I’m fairly new here at Swaylock’s but I make no bones about bringing up “alternative” subjects, i.e. outriggers,stand-up paddleboards, etc. On the other hand you bring up a good point and have encouraged me to start, yet another, thread. It will be entitled “SURFTRIP?”. Please check it out and contribute what you can

How often do any of you ever use the archives? Im surprised at the responses to my original post. ?:frowning: Whatevers…

mark—the late dan heritage made me an exact copy of velo to use in PR over the winter—the speed and carve was unreal!however as the season moved on small cracks began to form–and then one morning at hobo’s on about a 8’ wave the thing just exploded! bit and pieces everywhere!dan’s later comment when he saw the photos of the mess was that the design was a few decades ahead of the materials ----someone needs to make a 2005 velo of epoxy and eps.


What do you think Herb?

I surfed with a guy at Rincon the other day who was riding a spoon kneeboard that he bought back in the 70´s. It had a lot of miles on it and he had done numerous repairs, but it was all there. He found it in the used board rack in Greg Liddles shop. It was made by Paul Gross. Paul worked with George Greenough over the years and actually made some of the spoons that George rode. If you look in the archives here you will find some pics of the spoons that Paul made a few years back. There was an article about that project on Blasthawaii.com that may still be available? Paul currently has gotten away from shaping any type of surf equiptment, so I feel fortunate to have possession of the last board he made and it is magic.


Hi Mark,

Given that Swaylocks is a Surfboard Design Forum, I also find it amusing that it’s “ALL ABOUT SURFBOARDS”. :slight_smile:

Seriously though, topics come and go in cycles, sometimes it’s all fish stuff, then hydrofoil stuff, then longboard stuff and every few months topics resurface.

Rather than whining (& as Chippie said), post some “wild stuff” and generate some discussion. We’re the ones that create the content on Swaylocks and it’s up to us to keep it interesting. Even if you bring things out from the archives and ask new questions, it still gets the fresh & varied discussion going.

BTW, I use the archives HEAPS!! It’s a shame that quite a few newbies are asking very basic questions without reading the archives. Some of these questions have already been answered 50 times already in the archives.

Kind Regards,


Mr Swaylock n wife,

it all about catagories,catagories,catagories!

other than that…as Coral would say…have fun!

oh yeeh, Mr Serious…go surfing!Herb

O.K. MAYBE Swaylocks is supposed to be “all about surf boards”. But look through the archives there are some really old intereting posts (some sick arguments, too!) about different kneeboards, paipos, bodyboiards, surfmats, surfskiis, canoes, skim boards, fin designs , bodysurfing, handboards, tow-in, deck padding, leashes, paddle surfing, ETC! It looks like there were more “wild” ideas and people happening in the old Swaylocks than the “new”. MAYBE? Whatevers-

Mark, basically all those are vehicles used for surfing, hence surfboards.

I have a little bit of rant time tonight!

I post about kneeboards and mats from time to time.

But as O.J. is fond of saing : I’m no dancing monkey.

Newbies saying they dont like the ‘search the archives’ answer

pisses me off!

As to the archives, if you dont like someone saying

search the archives , its more like

you dont like searching the archives and reading for an hour,

In which case, you have enough energy to find yourself here,

but it ends there??

Saves me 20 minutes or more typing out duplicate stuff,

afterall sometimes I spend alot of time answering questions

to a high detail , rereading what I posted and rewriting it,

so that it will live on in the archives and

help someone else.

I and the others are not here for your total convenience,

but the archives are.

Sort of like a beggar only taking $5 dollar bills and higher.

That kind of beggar gets nothing.

No offense man but your old archives posts seem to be filled with more fully stoked energy! You ride kneeboards and mats? Well then write more cool stuff about them! Alot of the old dudes in the archives had all that happy vibe and humor too! Im just wondering out loud about the reasons “WHY”? Like do most posters in this forum just chill for a while and then spin out? The attrition rate is? Do they stay here and get “matured”? Or do people end up all grumpy like “been-there-done-that-blah-blah-blah” ?? (sorry LeeD) I’d rather have mine real fresh- but grounded on the old. Whatevers…


" oh yeeh, Mr Serious…go surfing! "

[Well said ! It applies to ALL of us, eh ?! ]

IF I ever get a car again…THAT’S going to be my ‘bumper sticker’ , for SURE !!
