swaylocks raffle blank

so after getting in the cosmic cycle of recievership,the blank coming to me,my monkey mind began to reel with the potentials…what if we raffle temporary ownership of this child of my mind and send it off on a cosmic unwinding to view the world of los caminosde olas,restrictions? it must be surfed and documented weekly or passed along to the next on the list and eventually returned to me …all dings repaired and signed and dated the chronicle of this obtuze craft would eclipse the yellow Haj video concept and paler could self publish the book and I woul at least be one who would love to read it,this complext with other simular cosmicly essperimentally ill shapes in cosmic orbit would truly expand the sharing of design conceptualization,the oppertunity for template sharing is obvious ,… % the left rail is the good one you asemetric foof the flat spot in the tail was fixed in the one I made and the 17 ‘’ of kick in the tail 4’'up makes it go straight up to the rafters of the shack in the shore break at billygiwhambies senegal where I test rode it heres the picture % … muahahaha…hows thet fer sinister applied maddness…hopefully not everyone will understand or wish to play it could turn into a very deep project…ambrose…the raffle ticket for this maddessshould reflect the seriousness of the pariicipants more money for swaylocks support and an editing writing assignment for mrs Paler as well as an academy award for the movie… I reserve all rights for the video game

sounds good to me, I’m in for a raffle ticket or three…

Same here, sounds like plan

May I purchase the rights to the comic book series?

Amrose - having followed your stream of concienseness postings here for a while I had come to the conclusion that perhaps you were a bit wacky, Well, maybe you are anyway but I think your idea is pure genius. Please count me in.

O.K. you down fo the comix book rights for a $7.77 check to swaylocks…now how much do we make the entrance fee for this raffle which is really an admission to a living event … the raffle is more like a lottery for order …like whoo’s goin’ first… is twenty bucks enough? is a hundred better ? do we throw in schollarships for the unendemnifiable? do the moderators remain the same? the focus of the term paper is the critical factor in the making of a great paper … I feel like I am capeable of stirring the mud on the bottom of the pool in dreamtime are there any more serious thoughts as the silt settles to the bottom to become the sediment that will become the sandstone of history?..ambrose… a great event can have many heads as long as they can come together for the performance…this is a test … m man there cood be a board pool

Maybe we could figure out a way to route the board geographically - down the west coast, through Texas, across the gulf coast, up the east coast… jump over to Europe - get to know the next guy as you make the handoff. Just a thought.


I’m in…

i think the hand off seems like a great idea… if you need anybody between ponce inlet and bull island, i’m your guy…

yerp? good call routing logistics become a seasonal question…though a good concept… the random chaos route also has a romantic musing potential… a rincon sweden biaritz chiie tasmania,maldives sequence is less like a greyhound bus route…thinking steadily outside le boit … ambrose… gonna go shape it

Count me in…!!!..

I’ll throw in a rising sun box fin, too…


finished shaping it today and laminated the bottom 6 0z w/ an I beam clear and clean … hugging 7’ step deck round top V double rocket cocaves flat kicked tail… tomorrow color the deck then lam…P, got the flex sweep fin you donated to the raffle last year andy won it but it confused 'im , you could pop a mold off this lil board gem and it wouldnt be too thick,vacum bag glass wood glass composite ala cold mold …I dint measure but ,da bugga tin I tell you! … ambrose… thomas like ride em too should we chage em for pre lottery testing?

I wonder how much it would cost to paddle the board through the Panama Canal??

…P, got the flex sweep fin you donated to the raffle last year andy won it but it confused 'im , you could pop a mold off this lil board gem and it wouldnt be too thick,vacum bag glass wood glass composite ala cold mold …I dint measure but ,da bugga tin I tell you! … ambrose… thomas like ride em too should we chage em for pre lottery testing?

Excuse me please, but I’m uncertain of what you’re really saying…

Could you slow down and put it in understandable english this time…

Por favor…

funny, I saw a documentary about the Panama canal, and they said the cheapest anybody ever paid to get through was some guy who swam the whole thing. I forget what he paid but it was small, like $6 or something. So a paddle through would probably be $10 or $20?

Probably a bit on the nasty, dirty side though…

Andy stitch ,at the swaylox raffle,was the proud recipient of the black fin with the remarkable depth and sweeping demeanor perhaps 10’’ plus and10 ''of rake/sweep…this fin applied to the board on the rack is an interesting possible fin testand it is already availiable to use the day the boardis rubbed out…andy tried this fin and was unable to grasp the depth and girth of its intrinsic potential,it confused him as he was not skilled or experienced in the use of fins with so much flex. The raffle board could be a candidate for cold molding …the thin nature of this finished board would be compatible with the process in that a one off mold wouldnot result in a board that was too thick,I have not measured the board with my calipers but it feels thin to the grab…my friend wants to ride it already…Should we charge him a swaylocks donation fee? ambrose …indubitably

i am visualizing the board bag … no clear vision yet, maybe pieced together out of peruvian tapestries and mylar balloons, padded with silk worm cocoons, naturally to be made in china special order from cobra. Design for customs officials amusement. But charging to test ride? No free rides on this special mission board? If thomas helps make, maybe reshapes fin or adds handprint, then no charge to ride, otherwise charge true value, roughly $1 canadian, insert in coin purse in board bag.

fiberglass board case made from clark foam box with blown foam supports on inside comparts for fins etc…ambrose …sw inconsistant sharks bay ona mat… swaylocks donation$1 a wave


I’m in, Gulf Coast (thirdcoast) over and out.

Chalk me up for a raffle donation, thinking of some home blown fins of some sort generic base for DIY completion depending on your setup.

Tom S.

Ill come by this evening and put seven thumbprints on hte board for the seven waves that I want to catch on it. O wait eight wavse because of that hair of mine that got caught up in the color job yesterday. This afternoon.

up for it? aug 2 posted on swaylaholix ammomally the cordazon of the matter…are you up for it? Im dieing to know …or should I just rub it out and ride it?..ambrose… impatient to hear from the forum