Swaylocks we created a monster

glassing and sanding in you home
reminds me of the early days Mr. J, DK and others
glassing with a dust mask? what’s up with that?
Sanding with a rockwell?
hard core all the way
wonder if those fin boxes are going to blow out?

Well, that was crazy. I wasn’t sure what you meant in your post until seeing the video. I never built a Home Depot board because living near Mr. Loehr I could always get EPS blanks easily. I know you and your brother were driven to extreme measures there in Hawaii. And some of your methods are still in use today (copying rocker of another board). And yes, the fins will blow out.

I used to color my blanks on my wife’s dining room table and good sofa pillows, but I cringe thinking about sanding in the house. Or even laminating.

Someone should catalog all the weird ways surfboards have been made here on Swaylocks.

All the best

I don’t think swaylocks created that guy?
Solid effort, wonder how it surfed.

Man, the itchyness after sanding in the lounge of whats was probably a tiny city apartment.

Wetting out cloth on the board, now that’s a new one. Guess he didn’t have any scrap cardboard laying around

probably just going to couch surf that thing anyways…

Trust me on this~wife out of town for a couple days, due care to drop cloth floor, lock the cats outside, use epoxy so minimal odor, good to go. I did not sand in the house though! Reason for the feral lam/hot coat was that it was cold and rainy out and garage not heated. Even if she were to see this post (not likely) it was about 15 years ago so no worries now.

Bernie-thanks for the video.
Doing the Sheldrake style build with colored cardboard is interesting.
Deez-no spare cardboard-haha!
Maybe doing an epoxy wet-out on poly film would have been faster, then roller the excess on the cardboard and then stretch the saturated cloth.
Even though I have access to CNC lasers to cut the ribs, I have not been drawn to this type of build,
It seems too fiddly (number of laser programs, cutting time, puzzle-like assembly) and I’d probably glass in a pinhole and destroy it.
Make one wonder how to test them for leaks beforehand…

He gets an “A” for effort, but IRL it’s only going to take one pinhole to turn the frame into a bowl of oatmeal. I really don’t see how that type of build can even survive a hot-cold cycle without a vent. A compsand build would have been way better suited for his workspace. He could have freelapped the deck first, ,blend it in by hand and do a cutlap on the deck. Multiple coats of a really light fill and just wetsand the zits. It only has to be flat enough in order to surf.

I think the rocker curve is the main problem of this build type. A flat rockered fish is possible, but boards with more rocker would flatten out without some sort of rocker table underneath.
The cardboard could probably be soaked in epoxy before glassing, with a few bits of carbon cloth in the right spots, to achieve sufficient strength.
I would very much like a computer program that automatically slices the cardboard components for a surfboard shape that I can design myself.
3D printing the parts (instead of laser cutting cardboard) would of course result in much stronger, water resistant parts that could maybe even hold the correct rocker curve. Most interesting.