Swayloholics Coffee Mugs

I know it’s kind of late for this sort of suggestion, but I’ll say it anyway. Instead of (or in addition to) t-shirts for the event, we could have given everyone an official Swayloholics 2004 coffee mug. It helps cut down on trash at a group event, because it insures that everone has a washable drinking utensil.

A quick google search turned up lots of mug companies like


Do any of you Swaylockers have any previous experience dealing with these custom mug companies?

actually, I work for an outfit sometimes, a screen printer that does ( or jobs out) this sort of thing. Whaddya need to know? The thing about stuff like this is when you think about ordering you get questions from the salesdroid; somebody like me.

That is, how many of what sort of cup, how complex a graphic design ( note- the Swaylock’s Old Shapers Never Die… as on the T-shirt is very good for something like this) , you want them WHEN??

What kind of cup has a lot to do with the price, but the cheapest ain’t necessarily the best way to go.

How many - a dozen will be horribly expensive ( ‘nuisance fees’ are added) , three dozen the unit price goes down, six dozen it goes down again, a gross is a nice order and you get treated okay and if it’s a thousand and up you put it out to bid and let the suppliers fight among themselves.

The less complex the graphic, and the less colors, the cheaper it is to do in both art costs and in production costs. Straight one-color text is beautiful.

You can’t get stuff like this overnight. The faster you want it, the more costly. Especially this time of year, with festivals, company picnics, events of one kind or another which all want this sort of stuff. The outfit I do a little rep work for has been flat out since June, extra shifts and all.

hope that’s of use


We could probably get by with a simple plastic mug for the Plaskett Creek campout. Most folks would be drinking cold drinks at that event.

Maybe someone will volunteer to be the Swaylock’s coffee mug store, and handle the ordering and shipping. One mug doesn’t fit all. Some folks might like a quiver of Swaylock’s mugs: the wide base model that’s hard to spill, the stinger model that fits in the drink holder in your car, the spill-proof-lid model that prevents foam dust from getting down into your coffee, a pair of straight-sided mugs for setting a glass-on fin, etc. Whew! We haven’t even gotten into the printing variations. At a minimum it could say Swaylocks.com and maybe have some fluid dynamics equations on the backside, or maybe some handy catalyst to resin ratios.

I know of at least 40 “mugs” with nifty and perhaps well meaning and poinient sayings on’em thathave passed through my life and are not missed…the ones that get left in the sink or on the porch that collect rainwater and spontaneously generate mosquitos … '‘Here Ya Go Take a complimentry mug’'and even water bottle with the nifty squirt top…saints be praised may the mug guys not crucify me in effigy somewhere in the bolivian amazon where the lost mug burial ground is sanctified by blood sacrifices of the guys that cannot maintain a mug collection yyeeeegggaadddds waking up after the dream where the handle ‘s broke… for got the bugga at the levee watchin’ waves put it down when I picked up the surfboard object to inspect…plastic mug? how bout a panut butter jar empty and washed and empty and washed and empty and washed…with a swaylocks sticker on it…count me out on the mug volunteering and dont order one for me thank you I really appreciate the thought but I will rely on my vivid immagination to see the swaylox rogo on all my china and glassware and stainless (stamped) the stencil on my car door .ah but I do go on…ambrose…cowering in the corner of the basement being chased and threatened by ‘lost’ mugs

Aloha Ambrose ,Matt and I have a mug for you ,no worrys . Mr. P Jensen just showed much Aloha up in Wash. I scored some gooood waves with some fellow Swayloholics at, Dooooh! cant tell till were by the fire mi amigo .

the Indian name for the spot has to do with the breath of the timber wolf and the place down the way the spirit of the evening owl…the new names only confuse the Hyeda sprits that ventured south to surf during gatherings where the northern polynesians surfed in the summer… names are not necessary I can smell the trees and the grass although I have no living memory…ambrose…i also feel the presense of the rightous camp fire