sway's and google

I’ve had the same problem, usually from work. I added a public dns server (opendns) and that helped. I’m wondering…you probably have google as your prefered search engine and if a site isn’t resolving it’s hitting google. At work I get opendhs popping up once in a while, usually when our dns boxes are having a bad day.

For spyware checking, I use malwarebytes (malwarebytes.org) and ccleaner (piriform.com), both are free but I think have paid options. I run one then the other.

I think this whole thing started from my brothers pc, I recieved an email from him that was blank but said “you got to see this”
and it had an attachment, so I clicked on the attachment and is was for a on line pharmacy, so I thought that was weird and responded asking him what the F was that and he responded to me saying he didnt know what I was talking about, and he didnt email me, today My daughter informed me of how corrupt computers can sent out emails to spred bus and viruses, dam what a night mare!!! this world has become,

but I went surfing today and it was good, ahhhhh!