I am in Sydney Australia, and I was just wondering where you fellow Sydney siders get your resin tints from. I know Dion's and Surf Blanks has them, but they only seem to have the basic colours. I keep seeing candy greens and ice blues. I was just wondering if there was another place or technique that has a wider range of colours?
Sounds like youre around Brooky, theres FGI ( Fibreglass International) in Clearview Place behind Warringah Mall or I get them from eBay too.
Dont forget to think about the colour wheel and mix colours to get what you want. Most but not all colours can be made from a few basic ones and white.
Tints arent too expensive to play with, try mixing them drop by drop with a wooden satay stick to geta feel for colour mixing. Read up on the 'colour wheel' so you have a clue where youre heading. As you mix look for the variety of shades in the swirls. Know that when added to resin the tint concentration is lowered so the colour will be paler. Measure volume amounts of tint to resin if youre keen. I had a girlfriend who was a hairdresser and she taught me what she knew about colour.
I have even , at a pinch , when tints have been out of stock here [ I'm in perth , west oz] , mixed a very small amount of the tube acrylic paint you get at newsagents or art supplies stores . I have used very small amounts , with lots of resin , for a transparent effect [tint]. I only use it in fin panels , though . ...
please feel free to post any photos of your tint work , I'm always interested in seeing others creativity here at swaylocks !!
They sell some different colours at whitworths boat supply (in mona vale/ brookvale). Midget Farrelley’s surfblanks sells the other basic and is the cheapest so check that out too.