Hey, I’m going to shape my first longboard, and am wondering about concaves and vees. I’ve been doing a lot of research into different design styles and such, and have come across some boards (mostly high performance borads) that have tail vees, concaves, double concaves, and the like. I was wondering if anyone has digital pictures or drawings of these features. I’m quite familiar with concaves in the nose, it’s the stuff in the tail I’m most interested in. Thanks, Billy
Hey, I’m going to shape my first longboard, and am wondering about [snip] if you’re building a longboard, and you said “first” - not sure if this means this is the first board you are going to shape or the first longboard … (i mention this because if it’s a first-time board, you probably should stay away from stuff like concaves or channels). anyway, a nice concave in the front may help some. vee is fairly necessary to move the board from rail-to-rail. think of it this way, if you could put two boards on a carpeted floor - one board with almost no vee and another with vee, you’ll begin to see how vee operates. to go from one rail to the other, it’s a matter of shifting your weight to one side or the other. on the other hand, the board with almost no vee, will take quite a bit of effort to get it to a rail. the concave will help with “lift”, the vee will help with maneuverability. i’ve built a couple of channel-bottom longboards [smile], but they dont really need it because of the extra volume a longboard (typically) has.