Tail rocker customization...

When I made the Sally 4, I made some changes in the tail outline, and a little bit in the rocker. When I took it for summer testing to Acid Drops on Kauai, I was not in love with the way it came around off the bottom. I made some adjustments with the fins which helped a lot, but I was not satisfied. So when I got home I customized one side at a time to see how it went, and it went very well.
Sorry for the giant pictures, but I’m to lazy and grumpy to F with this stuff anymore.
I haven’t been able to get on Sways for months, and I was only going to share these pictures with a friend, but when I started using this “new” computer, I tried to get on Sways, and lo and behold… Yea!!!

I love this stuff, Taylor! Nice job retrofitting that tail action.

Ha! Where you here, or did you get my note about it… Fast.
The funny thing to me - When doing a little area like that (I forgot to save the picture I took of the first side I did.), it is so fast, easy, and effectual, it’s a trip to compare to the making of an entire board.
For fun I’d like to point out the fin customization makes a very noticeable difference too. Maybe I’ll take and throw up pics of the big pink reconstruct - e- franking deck… Ha!

…pretty good Taylor that R%D. That s the way to go.
Observing the foil picture I do not get it how do you manage your own balance with the back foot in other plane regarding the front foot.

Nicely done. I’ve been riding MrMik’s 3d printed turbucle fins in my longboards and am impressed with how happy go lucky and responsive they are.

Can’t wait to try such fins in my Shortboard’s proboxes.

HI Reverb - Probably has been the years it seems like…
Re. the balance - I’d bet if you tried something like it you wouldn’t notice. On that side view, I think of it like a skateboard, and it it weren’t for the less than average changes, it probably wouldn’t even look too odd. The bottom line is, it works well for me.

It has been good R & D, as I’d taken my design to some new extremes, - well, bigger changes to a similar design I’ve been working on - which changed the performance of some other aspects I’d left the same, hence the changes, and I have found additional enhancements, so I’m stoked.

Can you be more specific about the changes? The fins are pretty obvious, but with the board, did you add/reduce rocker, fill it in or cut more out (flatten or add concave)?
Trippy fins.

Hi Taylor O. As usual, your boards are creative and unusual. Mike

Hi Bernie,
I did one side at a time, but the changes where the same: No change to rocker along center line, except for a little more to make a flat panel in the last four inches.
You can see in the pictures where the rail reconstruction ends - about an inch and a half shy of the paint: no change from there to @ 1/4" increase in rail rocker by around the trailing end of the rear fins, that is, I increased the rail rocker gradually over about 16"'s. I made sure I still had double concaves of @ 1/4" max depth through fins resolving to flat panel.

I cut off the side glass straight, shaped, then scarfed out @ 3/16" of foam and, when I mixed up the RR epoxy slow cure, I made up some putty = 50% glass bead, 50% cab-o-sil, nice and thick, and filled in the gap so the glass, 4oz X 4 @ 90o, and 4oz X 1 @ 45x45o, would have a good solid ledge to be on - no wrap, just laying on the 10 layers from the original wrapped rail, and the hard putty base.

I’m still, obviously, about the double concave - vee, but after the way it rode, compared to the Sally 3, I realized I wanted/needed more rail rocker through the fins. This board is wider, esp. in the rear, lending to more outline curve, and I went with a little more thickness (Seeing those SUP’s go, it’s hard to deny what can work… Ha!) in the tail. Bigger sweet spot to be sure, and with the changes, turning better than any.

My big question is which way to take this design length wise… A new gun, say @ 10’, or a, for me, “short” board @ 6’8"… I’ll let you know. Ha!

The fins were just to get the laminar flow to stick for increased speed, smoothness, and higher angle of attack (See previous… Ha!)

That is some good shit!