Tail smash...


A ding question here:

I have smashed the tail of my thruster, Smashed as in, its been dinged and split the fibreglass and made a mess of some foam.

My question is:

Do I

(A) Try and fix the foam and ding or…

(B) Saw off the messed up area (small area but pretty messed up) and glass the tail and sand down the back fin a little so its not so close to the tail…

Thanks in advance…


Post a pic so we can see fer sure what yer talking about.

However, w/o seein’ it, I’d say cut it out, bond in a peice of scrap foam (try your local shaper for scrap), shape it and glass it.




A ding question here:

I have smashed the tail of my thruster, Smashed as in, its been dinged and split the fibreglass and made a mess of some foam.

My question is:

Do I

(A) Try and fix the foam and ding or…

(B) Saw off the messed up area (small area but pretty messed up) and glass the tail and sand down the back fin a little so its not so close to the tail…

Thanks in advance…


Hi Josh;

In 99% of the dings I run across, it’s solution A. Fill under your original glass as much as possible - resin/aerosil mix - and then use more filler to get the shape right, sand appropriately and then you glass it.

The ‘repairs’ I see when somebody attacked it with a saw - well, put it this way, they generally would have been better off leaving it dinged, let alone fixing it properly. In the words of Rocket J. Squirrel, "Bullwinkle, that trick never works "

hope that’s of use


thanks doc!

ne probleme pas, mon ami. Like was said earlier, some pics will help, be easy to get you through it step by step.

Speaking of which, I have a few repairs I gotta do, and a nice new ( good) digital camera, so I’ll be doing maybe some illustrated repair tips soon, step by step. Probably minor stuff, nothing like say a major delam right away, but you never know.

hope that’s of some use


hey josh

After you fix your tail, get a tail guard that protects your tail from cracking like from setting your board on concrete which some time causes pressure cracks, from http://www.surfcohawaii.com/
