I’m sorry for posting such a basic question, but I could not find the info on the search function. What function does the the width of the tail serve? For example, I have two seemingly similar fishes- one is designed for more jucy waves, and one for the mush. the only big difference I can see is is one has a pulled in tail at 15 inches and is thinned out, and one has a tail width of 17 inches and has the thickness running through it. Even though the length, nose, wide point and thickness is pretty close, the two boards feel very different when up and riding. It seems hard to believe that just having a little more width/thickness on the tail could make such a drastic difference but I guess it does? Is it just a matter of being able to sink the tail through turns? Could you all tell me the advantages and disadvantages of a wide/narrow tail? Thank you!
...It seems hard to believe that just having a little more width/thickness on the tail could make such a drastic difference but I guess it does?.. [/quote]
shoulda seen that coming.
The tale of two tails ????? Longboards...I like really like pinched rails and thin tails.....women ??? I'm over 50...I love good curves...really curvy is good....a little extra round is OK.........leave your baggage at the door....
Two inches is a massive difference in tail widths.
Wider tails plane higher at low speeds, which means less drag and more “skate.” But at higher speeds, you get what I call the “skipping stone” effect… no control and difficult to get on a rail. Also, more tail volume overall aids in wave catching in smaller surf.
This is the answer I was looking for. Thanks!