What is the difference on normal 6’0" truster in the tail thinksness. What does a thick tail do?
What does a skinnny tail do?
What is the difference on normal 6’0" truster in the tail thinksness. What does a thick tail do?
What does a skinnny tail do?
Seems “normal” thickness is whatever thickness that particular shaper designed into the blank. Usually just around 1.125" thick at one foot up, but changes with shapers and models.
Thicker floats better, ducks worst, catches waves easier, loses some “feel”, can resist banking for weak surfers, or boards with wide tails in fast waves.
Thin tails float worst, allows you to paddle from further forwards (good and bad), feels really sensitive while you are standing, allows for more radical board placement in the curl of the wave, paddles slower, and needs more paddle speed to pick up waves.