So I was just shooting clear coat this morning and was on the last pass and suddenly my spray gun pukes out a bunch of boogers.Day shot !! Only solution is to let it dry the rest of today then sand the whole dam thing and shoot clear coat again tomorrow. All cause I didn't want to take the time to use a clean measureing cup !!! Hurry up and screw up !! I should know better !!! Dam the board woulda been done today !!
“Hurry up and screw up”.
That’s a keeper. Thx
I’ve been there.I did not know that a fresh batch of urethane clearcoat(2k) would break down the already cured clearcoat that lined the walls and bottom of my mixing cup.Halfway through the spray job the gun starts puking boogers on the board.Now its new mixing buckets combined with disposable spray gun cups for me!
Jesus, Ive been spraying this clearcoat for a lot of years and never had this happen. Could have been from the measure cup or off the can or some build up in the gun that came loose, not sure. I was cutting corners though. Used a mixing cup that wasn't clean, and did not filter clearcoat before putting it in the gun.So I guess I was just asking for trouble. In the big picture ,Ill just let it dry hard overnight,sand in the morning, and shoot. I just shifted my work over to glassing 2 paddles which I would have done tomorrow, so by shifting jobs around I really only lost maybe a hour and a half.
I need to listen to this advice haha. I Always rush things.
Today was a F-it up day, I’m buried in work, had to get a custom under my belt, read the card a few days ago and glued up the blank for it.
I powered through it, looking at the customers weight on the card, 160, thinned it down to 2-7/8 ths, got er done, then read through the card again, I for some reason was sure it was 9’8", but the card said, 9’4" by 3".
At least I have a stocker for the dealers.
Hurry up and F it up…and I tell this to others all the time
If only I had the time to do it right the first time.
Got a little too cocky with the catalyst as my last laminations weren’t going off fast enough. Temp outside was up a few degrees warmer, 1 or 2 more cc’s and fudge… had to rip of the whole bottom. Ripped it, cleaned a bit and let dry, pulled fabric five minutes later and the lamination went better than the first time. All in a days work. Knowing how to recover quickly and push forward, without a clouded mind, is shaping/glassing zen. IMHO.
in the stars there is oposition to progress.
all arround the guy with the new used sup I felt sorry for
and accepeted the repair of a stuffed futures box
comes and I am showing him how to do the repair
so he knows how to save expense of me fixing …
he starts reaching in
between my hands wiping resin
while I am forcing goo under box
telling me to maybe lift the box some more
then tells me how he broke three ribs
surfing sup hanalei…
I realize this guy doesn’t deserve
sympathy but scorn instead
an I have comitted to doing the repair
I’m fuming and this guy
bobbles his head and says the magic word
and I go off …
_____ commercial promotional surfers
and kooks that clog the bronchials of beloved hanalei
surfing ,suffering glitteratti infestation polluted
with suntan lotion 30,000 people on the beach
bmxing skating cruising hanger’s on merchandisers
young women auditioning for white slavery catalogues.
so I stop work ,and go bake bread make tacos of leftovers
and take a nap,siesta,
when ai wake the bread I turn into pizza crust
and tell the guy when he gets back
I wont work on the board till later…
I’m baking bread.
so the honorable thing to do is a good job not a great job.
the guy is grinding on the price and asking for a rush job and adding on
fix his carbon grafitye paddle,and the fins he draged to stuff the box…
and I have twenty new boards to build that are not promo popouts…
tomorrow /today should be better.
Take time to say no to kooks.
Today was a F-it up day, I'm buried in work, had to get a custom under my belt, read the card a few days ago and glued up the blank for it.
I powered through it, looking at the customers weight on the card, 160, thinned it down to 2-7/8 ths, got er done, then read through the card again, I for some reason was sure it was 9'8", but the card said, 9'4" by 3".
At least I have a stocker for the dealers.
Have you seen the Sion Milosky video where he talks about ordering a custom thruster gun? His shaper gives him a quad, different size and all. Sion talks about how he acted stoked and thanked the guy, inside thinking wtf, this isn't what I ordered. Shows what a nice guy he was. Goes on to say the board became his "magic" go-to board for big waves. Funny how things work out sometimes.
BTW, yesterday was my effitup day - not surfboards, but $300 worth of vinyl floorcovering. Ouch.
commercial promotional surfers
and kooks that clog the bronchials of beloved hanalei
surfing ,suffering glitteratti infestation polluted
with suntan lotion 30,000 people on the beach
bmxing skating cruising hanger's on merchandisers
young women auditioning for white slavery catalogues....
Take time to say no to kooks.
classic ambrose
I have this qoute posted in big bold letters in my shaping bay, glassing room and in my wood fin area..The Jim Phillips classic...
"The faster I go, the behinder I get"
"If you want it in the worst way.......That's just how you will get it".
Good things take time and effort.
where’d you see that vid Huck?
I cant help myself
I need it done and I need it done now!
When he first passed away, I watched all the videos on him I could find. That one came up a lot, an interview while he's sitting in the driver's seat of his car, talking about riding big waves, and his goals. Now, I can't find it at all. Apparently its been pulled from the internet, as far as I can tell. I remember him talking about one of his waves that made the magazine (maybe it was a cover shot?), and the guy doing the interview saying "I took that shot!"
I remember seeing the part about the shaper, and thinking, Who orders a board, gets the wrong size and wrong fins, and then acts stoked because he doesn't want to hurt his shaper's feelings? Then him talking about taking the board out to some outer reef and just being stoked on it.
If I come across that interview, I'll post the link here.
“I just wanna do the gloss coat now, so I can surf one day earlier” After a long day of work and then I screw counting the mixing ration for my epoxy… No need to tell that the board was 2 days later surfed than it could’ve been…
Howzit Ambrose, I used to hate those kind of people and would tell them if they want to act like that then I don't know when the board will be done because he is getting in the way and you work alone. If that doesn't work then just piut the board on a rack in front of him and tell him you work on it when you feel like it. That usually shuts them up. Aloha,Kokua
So I fixed my clear coat with boogers in it ! Found the cause of the boogers but wont tell you ! If I was my own aprentice I would have to fire myself !!!!!! Ambose, Okoli pukas are not allowed to hang around my shop !!!!! I have all ten fingers and I want to keep them !!!