taping for top

Guys, I’m OK with taping the top of the blank for the bottom lamination when using pigments but having trouble seeing my tape line for the cut with most solid colours. Also, how then too tape for the deck colour? tape doesn’t seen to want to bend () only )( ? Thanks Holger ps. Is there any way to fix a bleed of one pigment ontop of the other?

Guys,>>> I’m OK with taping the top of the blank for the bottom lamination when > using pigments but having trouble seeing my tape line for the cut with > most solid colours. Also, how then too tape for the deck colour? tape > doesn’t seen to want to bend () only )( ?>>> Thanks Holger>>> ps. Is there any way to fix a bleed of one pigment ontop of the other? Seeing the tape line is hard for me as well. So I hope somone has a good idea. however, I just started using pigments a few weeks ago. My problem is getting some colors (like red) to not be transparent. (Please go to: www.home.ix.netcom.com/~fluidedg) This will show you how I taped off my boards and the result of my red pigmnet going transparent. Maybe you have info on making the colors truely opaque? As far as the tape problem; what brand and width are you using? Thanks, Travis

Guys,>>> I’m OK with taping the top of the blank for the bottom lamination when > using pigments but having trouble seeing my tape line for the cut with > most solid colours. Also, how then too tape for the deck colour? tape > doesn’t seen to want to bend () only )( ?>>> Thanks Holger>>> ps. Is there any way to fix a bleed of one pigment ontop of the other? Sorry to whoever came up with this idea, maybe Tom Sterne? Put a strong light under the blank. The light will shine through the blank and allow you to see the tape edge. Then you can cut the lap line. There’s a strong tendancy to pull the intended paint edge of the tape tight, and stick it down on the blank… wrong! You have to stretch the tape side on the outside of the curve. You can modulate how much the tape curves by how hard you pull. That way you match the intended curve in your paint edge. If you are painting a straight line, pull the tape in the middle.

Guys Thanks for your responses. Travis, I just did a dodgy red deck patch because I had some fresh orange resin left over from the bottom lamination. I use pigments in resin and don’t have to strain. I added to this a tablespoon of red from the jar and it came up real nice, but not light in colour. Noodle thanks for the tape tip, you were right, I was definately pulling the wrong edge. Holger ps it will be a half inch thick pinline in some areas I think!