The whole truth. I’ve been tempted, after edge cutting the hardened bottom glass… if lapping over white foam… to press the glass edge into the foam, instead of feathering it. But time isn’t money to an amateur like me. How about the pros… Hmmmmmmmmm?
The whole truth.>>> I’ve been tempted, after edge cutting the hardened bottom glass… if > lapping over white foam… to press the glass edge into the foam, instead > of feathering it. But time isn’t money to an amateur like me.>>> How about the pros… Hmmmmmmmmm? No, but here is what some pros do. They hve a very very short lap with laminating the bottom. Then when they lay the deck patch they trim the the cloth a little short from the edge of the bottom lap(imagine going seam to seam) andthe the second layer goes over the top of the seam. You shoul never push glass into the foam because you will usually break the bond somewhere. The key is that on the lap when laminating the botton, press the squeegy tight to the rail edge, in a sense pressing into the foam but with resin adhesion. Make sence Noodle? Let me know about your templating secret.