two sheets of masonite
butt glued with zap-a gap
then glassed on one side
cut with saber saw
true to line with power planer
stacked two thick
rocker templates
then cut 1/2 template
for use with router
swell rewards.
add to template library
create variations with alternative set ups
modify at will
four pegs on the wall
accumulating panels since 1969
1/2 templates since 1985?90?
method ?
computer skills well applied
positive results.
other skils accessible make for adequate
door skin for hand drawing
easily burned by high speed router cut outs
1/8’’ masonite not so easily burned.
once transfered to doorskin medium
crafting materials comes into direct
context,ie if’n yall cut and sand curve acurately and or
otherwise tool the template
the results are indistinguishable.
In other words
one mans computer is mactavish’s newspaper
transfer from eyebaled left rail
onto right rail?
or perhaps transfered
to door skin masonite pvc panel .
and then the cut transcription to wood-foam…
must be fared to ambient curve.
template creating program still finally rests in
craft execution,hand tools.
Computer age requisite consulting the
blue campfire oracle is a contemporary validation
akin to a greek trip to delphi
only to peer into
a pool of water
or perhaps
a whisp of smoke.
cut to the chase.
grab the meterial shape the template
make the board
make a template from the board
takeout imperfections from the
first draft and continually refine
one following another
the program
at the gate
allows spectators
to identify all the players.
at least thats the way
the vendors called it
at the gate to seals stadium
when the west coast league dominated
san francisco baseball.
I collected cushions after the game
for a ticket to the bleachers
I had no money for the program
or a b-ball game ticket
after the game there were programes
on the ground as litter
we walked over while retrieving
rental cushions for Piggy.
in the same way these print outs
may be archived or discarded
sitting and watching the game is still seperate from
playing good baseball.
see the ball
step into it
swing timing is
and followthrough
separates the
boys of summer from the men
on the respected field.
masonite is cheap.
tempered resists moisture
some of them 40 year old suckers are
still solid,and still crooked
the latest ones aint so crooked.
is shaping
a twelve step program?
starting with template making?
even dr. bob and bill W.
wont tell.
no the start is building
a rack for shaping
the templates.