Ten years...

Can it really be that I’ve been a sways member for over ten years?

Well, in honor of that, how about a build? I just scored some free foam, so I’m thinking that’s a sign!

Yeah Shwuz!  You could build a whole quiver out of that chunk.


EDIT: I just realized that we joined Swaylocks one day apart…

wasnt’ the Sway’s “reboot” about 10 years ago… so anyone here longer than that would have been “new” the same day.  IN any event, happy decadent! 

Wait, that doesn’t sound right…

But – definitely build a board, do a build thread.  Sways has been in a bit of a funk lately.  Too much editorializing, not enough building, I think…cheers!

yay  Shwuz !


  build threads yeeehawwwww

keenjob !



I didn’t say it was going to be a quick build… :wink:


I haven’t been checking in much lately.  How you been doing?  Are you in Texas?  Alaska?  Can’t wait to see what you make.  Bonzer?

I’m in Texas still, just hadn’t had much time to shape, or even surf, lately! Hopefully you guys will be seeing more of me around here now.

Outline is from a late-70s “sunshine”, and yeah, fin setup will a bonzer. Things are going to get interestinger soon.

bonzer 3 or 5 , jarrod ?


  glassed on or plugged ?





Definitely 5, and definitely glassed!

looks like a makore/anigre or bamboo skin?

I remember that post of yours way back when you talked about the timbre’ of the makore fish you made as you tapped on the outer skin and it “sang” back to you.

that was a beautiful board…

that’s when I realized that the “timbre’” of a board was the soul that gave it the “pop” we all desire and why I migrated to the blue stuff. Cause when you tap on the blue stuff you can feel the vibration through the whole sheet. action/reaction 


yes , bernie , the stripey wood looks like the lovely veneer your brother Harry sent me , amongst his others …is THAT what it is called ?


  looks B E E O O O T I F U L L L L  , when glassed …

It’s actually eitmoe, Bernie, but it does look a lot like makore too.  The lighter stuff on the sides I want to say is birch maybe…   I actually have some more makore as well as some anigre on the shelf for future projects.  I still have that makore fish too, it remains one of my go-to boards after all this time, and it’s still holding up great!    Funny you mention the blue stuff, it’s going to have a role here too.  :slight_smile:

Got the skins on today. I only shaped the rails out about 80% before putting them on since they were getting cut off anyway.

Moved the template in an inch and zipped them off with the router, then squared them up good and prepped them for some new foam to go on.

Looking KILLER Shwuz!  I wish there were more “Build Threads” on Sways these days…Thanks for posting the process.

Glad i can bring some stoke, tenover! This is exactly the kind of thing that brought me in to swaylocks so long ago. :slight_smile:

Now, rails.

There’s two reasons for the blue foam:

  1. Doesn’t suck water like 1.5# eps in the event of a ding.

  2. Trying to wrap veneer over rails seriously f@(ks up the whole process, so this is a clean-looking solution.


my reasons too

and don’t forget…

like my brother says…

shapes like buttah!

perfect for rails

put some multi colored woven carbon strips over them like Drew and Charlie do and you are set

nive one J

I just realized I hadn’t updated this, so here’s a couple of action shots from the process of shaping the new blue foam rails.

As you can see, it was a little more involved than expected.

Glass next.

Oh, and it does shape “like buttah” Bernie, yes indeed… Mmmm, “buttah fish”, Hilo 2001…

Yeah, the next one will be carbon rails, this one is going to be a tint though.

I realized that my bonzer runner jig has the shipping label from one of my first orders from fiberglass supply, which means it dates back to around 2004… it has been used to set the angle on every glass-on bonzer fin I’ve ever done, so it’s stuck around in my life longer than any woman has.