Terry Cooper - Bonzer

Nice Looking Board - seems overly thick!!!


hi Antman !!

answer … "the early 1970s in Australia "!

(cf: from surfresearch…)



Thought you’d like !!

Starting bid $800 - what sort of $$$$$ you think it’ll reach ???


you saw the movie “the castle” , right ?

“$800 ? ! …tell 'im , 'es DREAMING !!!”

I’d be ringing Phil Byrne to check if Terry Cooper shaped “bonzers” under his label , I think …

There seems to be some suss stuff on e-bay, is my impression …



you saw the movie “the castle” , right ?

“$800 ? ! …tell 'im , 'es DREAMING !!!”

I’d be ringing Phil Byrne to check if Terry Cooper shaped “bonzers” under his label , I think …

There seems to be some suss stuff on e-bay, is my impression …


Agreed that is crazy…Also I think that is the first time he has sold something under that Ebay user name, so thats not a good thing.

I would not give him $100 for it.