Textured Fins

With all credit given to Bill T. for putting the idea in my head.
My kid printed up some fins on a 3d printer, with an open hex pattern.

Four Layers of Carbon, wetted out onto a sheet of glass. Don"t forget the release

40:100 by weight

Lay out the cloth, and wet it a layer at a time

Into the Bag

Looking forward to the next installment. What kind of textural finish are you planning to apply?

That’s the thing Bill. The fins come from the 3d printer with a texture already. About half the size of golf ball dimples. So the carbon goes smooth on one side, and the open holes on the other. I’ll try them out, then fill with microballoons,
And see if there is a difference.

Is the flat side closed and the foiled side open between the hexagonal walls?

I think that dimples work on golf balls because it’s rotation cannot be controlled.
On fins, with defined direction of movement, different surface structures will be more effective than evenly distributed dimples.

The fins in the picture are both halfs of the trailer fin. On the side fins, the flat would be smooth

So you want to use the fins without outer skin applied, just hexagonal cylinders open until the central layer of carbon cloth?
Interesting concept.
Biggest problem might be too much flex when all the carbon layer strength is in the central plane where it has the least effect.

MrMik - attached (turbulent) flow

Keeps air (in out case water) attached to the fin for a longer period of time - reducing drag.

(My limited understanding)

Can’t wait to hear back about the fins.

There is a Swaylock’s member, Hamrock, who has had some revealing experience, with texture applied to existing fins, that was eye opening for him. I’ll see if I can bump that thread up, for review.

how old is your kid?
The feeling that technology passed my event horizon makes me scared.

is this what you are trying to recreate
I have a bunch
I also have some of Bill’s


Wouldn’t it be scary if he was only 11?

He’s 25

Yes, something along those lines.