Thank you PaulJensen

I just got my copy of Surfboard Design and Construction in the mail and thought I’d leave some positive feedback, (in case anyone really had any doubts). Prompt delivery (about a week from when I sent my $12.00 to when I got the goods) Great CD, too. I think it will have to be my pre-surf listening while I take the 80 minute drive from Orlando to waves (ironically, in the opposite direction from California - good thing the world’s round). I’ll put the sticker on my car because none of my friends will know what it is. In addition to the great marketing [wink] the book is a great reference guide and really gets into the finer details of design. I will definitely be consulting this book on future boards.

Is this book still available?

As in available from Mr. Paul Jensen?

is this the same book that was published in the 70’s?

My understanding is the book “Surfboard Design and Construction” by James Knistle 1975, is out of print… What I did was photocopy my book, 2 sided printing, put them in a big envelope and send them out as unbound sets… Nothing fancy… From the response I got, I made 25 sets… I’m glad to do this, this time, but in the future if there is interest in more copies, let someone else offer to make those sets… For me, it takes way too much time to answer the e-mails, drop the stuff off at the printer, find the big envelopes, pick up the copies from the printer, seperate the sets, stuff the envelopes, label 'em, wait in Post Office lines, and send them off… I have 4 sets that, so far, don’t have a home… When they’re gone, that’s it… I offer them at my cost, including postage $12… I’m making nothing for my time…(Keep those copyright infringement lawyers away) BTW…I’m keeping a set or two to donate to the Swayaholics’04 raffle…!!!

Hey Paul, I was going to send you $ for 2 copies, one for me and one for the SA raffle – but I got sidetracked. If it’s not too late I’ll mail it today. SORRY! Keith

Hey Paul, if there’s still one of those 4 copies remaining, put me down. I’ll follow up with a private email. I can paypal you the money. I’m headed to the Abacos Thur. night so let me know so I can take care of it before I leave.

Paul… I emailed you about a book - if there are any left I too would be interested in a copy. If not - THANK YOU!

Paul sent me a copy of S.D.and C. several months ago. I’ve made 4 copies. One copy goes to my buddy. I have three left. I am willing to send those to whoever at my cost,too. I did not get the same rate as Paul. Mine cost 18.00per copy. 2 bucks more for shipping? Let me know. . Mike

20 is good for me. Thanks!

I remember there being a .pdf link to most of the book either on this forum or elsewhere on the net. Has it been removed?


I purchased an original copy of the book several years ago when e-bay had just started. I still have it, and reference it quite often.


Yeah, there is a link if you search for it. It can be found in PDF form on the information superhighway, and definitely reference it every once in a while as well. It a good starting point for sure.

Maybe it wasn’t yet on the web when these post were alive (over 3 years ago)

I know I saw it somewhere around here…

; )

Thanks for posting the lnk to S.D&C, just spent the last hour reading it. I’ve looked for a paper coper of this before and drew blanks. The last hour has been a series of revelations to me, excelent resource. I’m going to post the link to my buddy Tim who’s just getting into building his first.

Thanks again.

sure man–have fun, spread stoke

even though i never had a chance to finish the composite video project for the personal sways ohana yet( I guess now I need to get Greg’s new EPS-2 DVD to update the inventory), I still have a handful of those little CDs I’ve been sending everyone…

If I can find them under all the mess I’ve accumulated

first come first serve till they run out.

Disinfecting spyware trashed two home computers in a row so I don’t think I’ll be working on such projects for awhile until I build another home setup.

I think those that got a cd archive can vouch for the contents as one of the documents included or links was this old but classic master but there’s so much more out there one can use as resources. PM the private stuff and consider it an early christmas present for those that haven’t been blessed yet. I do know there’s a bunch of other folks out there with their own personal copy who can share the archive it as well if they choose to…

For the rest of the my personal ohana…

Christmas is coming so you know what that means…

If it’s the one with templates for making a bikini :slight_smile: then I have a copy of that somewhere so if anyone in the UK is looking for photocopies… well just contact me

Thanks to the pointer to this great resource. I printed out my copy and will have an enjoyable read over the holidays. Happy Thanksgiving, all.