Thanks Cleanlines

Basting laps is kind of like a prime coat of laminating resin that fills in the bumps and strings from glassing.It makes it easier to clean up the the lap area.As a novice glasser try this,glass the bottom,when the resin kicks flip the board over and paint a thin coat of laminating resin over the messy lap line.After it cures take a sanding block and level out the strings and bumps,be carefull not to get into the foam.Now go ahead and glass the deck,When that cures hot coat the deck as normal,don’t tape it off.JUst clean up the drips etc.Now you can flip the board and paint a coat of lam resin over the the lap line area.Be carefull and don’t let it run, you are just adding a little bit of resin to fill things in.Lastly tape the board off and hot coat the bottom as normal.^This is kind of hard to explain but I hope it helps you out Dewey.