Thanks HEAPS , Robbo !! [photos]

Thanks heaps , Rob , for sending me these great shots of some surfing history [from Mick Mock’s annual surfboard auction , in Sydney.]

enjoy !



for Josh…

? still at the same address today , Robbo ?

I used to have a T shirt with this on it …

[I was 15 at the time . It was my favourite t shirt EVER !]

“rubberlove” might prefer THIS one , however …[hahahahhh , jokes] …Shades of " Tommy", eh ?

something strange about this girl’s legs …

Robbo , do you have any info on that ‘Wilderness’ , by any chance , mate ? [did they have catalogues there ?]

…now WHERE have I seen that third board in the above photo before , I wonder ?? [did it sell, Dave ?]


just got back from the auction today, seems prices are down, a hell of alot was either “No Bids” or “Passed In”, I only hung around for about the first half but here are some highlights…

Farrelly kneeboard spoon, original 9/10 condition, start bid, $900, sold for $1700.

Scott Dillon balsa belly board, original 9/10 condition, start bid $1100, sold for $2,300.

Barry Bennet 7/10 condition, start bid 600, sold for 1150.

this Shane Surfboards Mal was in immaculate condition, apparently had only ever touched the surf twice, start bid $1000, passed in at $1800, another pic below… look at it carefully…

can you spot whats wrong with this board? I don’t know how many people would have picked this, maybe it’s just my “builders eye”, it has one of the biggest twists in it I have ever seen. nose of board is flat on the ground, look how far over to the right the board leans, surely not good?!

here is a beautiful “sportscraft” okanui hollow timber board, circa 1950’s, possibly made for sportscraft by Barry Bennet, 8/10 original condition, 2 waverly council surfcraft permit stickers at nose, start bid $1500, passed in at $3000.

Gordon Woods stringerless, 8/10, opened at $750, no bids.

Barry Bennet stringerless mal, 8/10, although fin has had work and leash has been crudely added! passed in for 600.

Gordon & Smith kneeboard, 9/10, restored at Jacksons, passed in for 600.

if i had the money i’d buy all of them and surf them all!!

I want to have a go on No 59

Hasn’t there been some discussion about boxy rails???

Hey Ben. Yep that’s th “WM” from the “They said it could’nt be done” article. See link below. Don’t know if it sold, as I could’nt make it down this year. I do know it was for sale at Surftrader for AU $2300.00. Robbo may know. platty.

this is the WM 7’10" tracker chip and platty are referring to in above posts.

this board failed to get a starting bid of $1000, great shame as everyone in the room went oooooooh when it was brought out!!!

never the less it’s a beautiful resto Platty, great job.


"Robbo , do you have any info on that ‘Wilderness’ , by any chance , mate ? [did they have catalogues there ?] "

Ben, in case you have not been given the Wilderness listing details from the catalogue, here it is;



ps. if Hicksy really likes the board with the great boxy rails (it surfs great!), he can make me an offer (the only thing of mine that sold was a beaten up lexon winged skateboard!)

cheers bluey !

…was it YOURS , then ??


…that board …I am surprised it didn’t sell, as it is a collectors item

…Wayne Williams passed away a few years ago now , I believe. Bruce Channon [‘surfing world’ mag here , in the 80s ] , got some EPIC cutback photos of Wayne at angourie , I remember !

no the wilderness was not mine, but # 59 the old paddle board was, had numerous other boards in also but Mick said that none sold which was surprising because they had pretty low reserves on them. Apparently lots of viewers but very few bidders. Shipped all my other boards to the UK recently as have relocated to the UK (a part from an early 70’s Cordingley pintail that resides at a mates house at Yals ready for my next visit “home” !)

Cheers, Henry

Wow thanks for sharing those pics, I’d love to go to something like that,i’d have a ball just looking at the boards, mabye a bit too tempting to blow a load of cash I dont have though.

Yo all,

Anyone know anything about the beaver tail board in the photos??

Thinking about building something similar to test a few ideas of min!!

