
Hi Guys Just to say thanks for all the help. We tested 2 new boards this weekend in classic Irish surf. Thought I would put some pics in aswell so you can see where your tips and advice have gone. We surfed it like this for 2 hours before the first guy arrived. Then for another ahalf an hour till it was too cold and we could’nt paddle any more. The boards are a 6,3 fish standard board rocker for a friend and a 6 thumb tail for me both boards are 20" wide lots of volume to help the paddling. Go to link to see the pics cant get the pics posted here Cheers

Hello there Grant Swift. I’m really surprised that your first name is GRANT, like mine. Are you living in Ireland or just traveling through there? Are you Irish? Grant certainly isn’t a traditional Irish name. Take care, Grant Fry Southern CA, USA

Howzit Actually from South Africa living in England and visited some freinds in Ireland. My family origonates from England though. Cheers