The Aging Hipster Build

We need some more build threads and less Chatty Cathys ;) so here goes.

First off you got to make the most important part—the logo. My muse is —The Trucker Guy— done in resin with blue glitter sprikled on.

I have a backpacking-surf trip coming up when my kids get out of school.  I am going to make a board for hiking in ten miles so why not go with my twist on the current minimal hipster board. This board is inspired by Tomo, Griffin, Jeff Alexander, JD’s Tyler Durden-Crop Circles, and Dan Mann ect…

This needs to be done by next month so I will be doing less of my normal garage guy hack-- over complicating things just for fun.

I had a 6’2"Arctic fish blank so I cut out an outline bigger than I wanted to get a feel for this weird shape. Then I decided to get rid of the excess baggage- stringer. I went at the blank with a freehand skilsaw cut on each side of the stringer and then cleaned it up with my 2ft long #30 grit beltsander paper-block. Then I glued it up with a very small amount of GG spread on with a squeegee, took 30min from cut to glued up. Way easier than I thought it would be. 


Hi - lavarat! You’re right. More build threads -minus the whining! I look forward to your build.

I changed the shape–nose-- board outline from a Vader look to more of a Jar Jar Binks look. Going for it on the extreme concaves in the bottom and deck. I ended up with 5’9" by 16"5/8 N 20W 16"1/2T. On Pu blanks I paint them with acrilic to seal the blank and make the resin bond better–yes I have done peel tests on new foam. I was going for purple and green, as ChrisP said Hulk Smash! At the end I plan on not much foam showing any way.

Lava - that almost looks like a speed boat… Let us know how she runs. Looks good!

I love the Trucker Guy lams.  The shape looks good too

Do You Have any photos of the bottom before you painted it. I would like to get a look at rocker and contours

Cool, I enjoy build threads. Reminds me of 2005. Will be watching and might post one up myself. Good luck sanding those sharp bottom contour angles with out burning though. 





Shapaholic-- I tink he was tawking about U

Thanks for the encouragement guys! It may end up being a dog, but I have lots of experence riding my funky shapes. 

I will take a rocker shot latter and I have a plan for not sanding the bottom… :0

Next I wanted to set the rocker on my stringerless blank so I bagged on some 8oz 3"rail tape. Very cheap and works wonders for ding prevention.

I cut two long pieces, put them on my wet-out table and added RR Quick Kick and let it soak in- & put it on the board. Then I put some 4"shrink wrap plastic over the wet glass and into the bag. I like to take it out at the stage B when the epoxy is like thick puddy- not sticky but workable. After some tweaking I set it up all level and leave it over night.

Now I am picking out some of Thayercrafts finest cloths 2oz-9oz with some innegra &cork. I am blaming Mr. Huie & Mr. D. Baggett for this one.

My plan is to make a full cork sandwich done with both sides laid up and in the bag at the same time with RR 2020 slow H. I am at the end of my roll of cork so I am going to scrap it together to add to the drama.

The sun came out so this may happen today.-The Bay To Breackers Race is making a mess at the beach so no driving around until it calms down.


I geuss daddy didn’t buy you a blank… is that what’s wrong?

hey, did your EVER get your so-called shaping machine to work? I geuss not!? You got too much time on your hands you little bu**er! :smiley:

…arctic yellow blanks r cheesy- so ya bbetter use enough glass…I found out the foam is crumbly… gonna get da green next time.

All right guys let’s take the high road and keep this a build thread.

So I laid up both cork skins and got it in the bag with some sweating & grumbling-not easy!

Bottom skin had 2oz+2oz Innegra+4oz warp. Top skin had 4ozwarp +2oz Innegra+ 4oz warp+ 3/4 patch of 9.6oz glass.

I back buttered the rails and weird edges with the RR 2020. The cork acts as a bleeder and lets out the excess resin.

Got to take the kids to The Maker Fair so I will let it cook in the shed.


Somewhat confused with what’s going on after 3 reads. Will continue not to chat. Love the shape and the logo.

This is what happens when I have been in the shed for to long. The plan was to be as trendy as possible so I am going for exposed cork top and bottom ( The NO EXTERIOR GLASS B.S.) Well I am going to have tail and nose  bumpers with the 8oz glass tape …&… rails if the flex is not right. Thanks bb30, you are one of my heros. I might use your plastic bag coloring tech in the next step.

My bag was on it’s last gasp so I did not bother to wrap every thing in plastic. Timing is key when pulling the bag off–early = sticky mess–to late and it is stuck to the bag. My cork seam came out pretty good and over all I am happy with the cork.

That looks cool, but didn’t I understand that Drew was threatening legal action against anyone in the U.S. using cork in any form as a surfboard skin?

Curious, why the green tint if it all gets covered with cork?

Love your neat, organized working environment!

Hi Huck,

The green is paint used as a primer to seal the PU blank. Drew’s patent for exposed cork (not for cork under glass) would apply if I ever sold a board. No one has ever paid money for one of my dogs + I break things in short order most of the time. And LOL my shaping room is a disaster area-- I am fighting to keep the shed empty and in order.

I think the cork seam on the rail is a little gapped because the innegra did not bend enough. So plan B sand down the cork on the rails  and glass on rail tape. So much for the lazy one shot in the bag way.

ahhh, thanks for explaining that! (prohibition of cork applies to commercial work only)

and while we all fight that battle to keep the shop in working order, I must commend you for a job well done so far

carry on - excellent thread!