I found this guy pretty hilarious and thought you guys might enjoy it as well.
“You can sand it down a million times and put fiberglass on it a million times; ya know”. So which of you Sway’s guys is Dave???
embedding saves the environment
This has to be a joke. really.
ya know, ya know, where 's the doobie? Canadian or Valley dude…
Thankz needed a laff
Yeah, I don’t think it’s joke. He put alot of thought and design theory into that shaping rack. L
I’m 99% sure the guy who actually made this video was serious about it… He posted it to a florida surfing forum. I gotta give him credit for trying. Also, I’m not very old so idk if what I’m going to say is true but the video gives off an oldtime garage shaper vibe to me. That is before you could order supplies on the internet and had to go to your local hardware shop to buy resin, fiberglass, etc…
That blank started out as a 9’8" S. Ended up a 5’9?? Got that lam resin pretty damned hot.
Somebody turn poor ole Dave onto Swaylocks. Please
I don’t remember him talking about dimensions much but 9’8" to 5’9" is pretty impressive haha
You simply have to wonder…with all the info on the net these days, swaylocks for example, why anyone would build a board with those materials and get that result is beyond me.
Most first timers who’ve been brave enough to post their work here have shown far better stuff than that. That thing is an abomination.
Even more puzzling is his apparent offer to give advice to others. Reminds me of some other folks who post on the internet.
Uh, wow.
Uh, like wow.
He’s so laid back about it; It has to be for real.
I kinda like his approach: the no stress express.
That board ain’t THAT bad, I’ve definitely seen worse.
And he really doesn’t come across like he’s got it all figured out, the way some of those clueless you-tube guys do.
Hey Dave, come on over to the dark side (swaylocks), we have cookies.
wherever he lives, gotta think pot sales continue to be robust…lol