The Bonzer Pic Thread

Im planning board no 4 at the moment and think a Bonzer might be the next on the shaping stands… to help inspire me can I please see your bonzer pics?

Also and comments you have about good/bad aspects of a bonzer will be great as this will also help me create “the fantastic 4” bonzer.

go on… post a pic :slight_smile:



Thanks Janklow, I’ll have to spend some time there… looks like a good read.


Yeah, RR, the Bonzer files are full-on over there–do a search on the design forum.

Check this off-spec off-kilter one-off one by a shaper of some high regard…


Start here

Shaped and painted by Shipman ,glassed by Moonlight…

Lots of stuff in the resources section / photo archive

“Bonzer” is owned by the Campbell Brothers ,show respect. Eaton Surfboards has some involvement but I’m not sure the connection. Moonlight glassing does lots of Bonzers. Have you checked out the SurfySurfy Blog thing?

“Share the stoke”


Hey there Stingray,

Thanks for the link - I didnt know Bonzer was an owned design! great! Im all for talented shapers owning their IP. Im amazed at how freely the designs are sharded actually… Ive posted once or twice on that topic.

That said I really like the willingness of the comunity on sways to share what they know and how they get the results they get.

A really unique comunity.

I might have to rename my design…

At the moment Im thinking a concave with a v in the concave running to double concave through the fin area. I’d like to do a 5 fin I think… and a wide diamond tail…

all just thoughts though…

props to eatons and campbell bro’s they both make some fantastic looking boards.

Love it. And moonlight glassing… really some of the best ive seen… lush finish and amazing pigments… if only I had the cash to blow on a board or two from any of the forementioned!!!


Like this?

hey riffraff, I did a bonzer for board #7. A pretty complicated design - still have not had enough water time on mine to assess how good of a job I did. Search Sways for “Shaping a bumblebee”

Just like that!!!


that’s a beautiful board OldSkool.

i’m really looking forward to what people post

on this thread Riffraff. i’m hoping to do one similar

to the “Shelter” bonzer in the near future.

thanks Riffraff

I’ve got one from the same shaper, goes great in our Florida surf. My favorite short board right now. It’s the yellow one, sorry I don’t have a solo shot of it.

Nice quiver!!!

love the 5 fin…

riffraff, Thought you might like to see this double concave round pin.

Youre right about that!!

Nice colour too!

how long is that board?


Malcom shaped this one for my buddy’s shop in Honolulu. Screams down the line, loves the fast walls, can pull a snappy turn in the pocket, and the more juice the better. Soooo much fun.

Thats one smokin board!!!

what are the dims?

Seems like there are a lot of diamon tail designs - is there a reason behind that or is it just coincidence?

I was thinking diamond tail too… must just be a natural progression out of those concaves I guess…

Also, a lot of the tails ar more pulled in than what I was thinking… is that to overcome some of the tracking that the extra fins/rake would otherwise provide?

interesting to see the different ellements all lined up like this…

Thanks for posting everyone…


6’-5", 20-1/2", 2-13/16"

It’s a lot of foam, but not too much to duck dive and the paddle ease and getting in early is great.

The pulled in tail is the thing I was drawn to most on this board. Just the whole outline is sweet. The mini diamond allows a nice looseness, a ‘think-and-it-turns’ kind of snappyness, and the narrower back end allows you to really suck up against a steep wall. Also, the smaller tail area moderates the juice some, allowing a tighter fit into the power pocket.

I’m still trying to do the board justice with my ability, and am yet to get a real nice barrell on it. Might have to wait for late summer/fall for that kind of swell though out here.


A little more performane oriented.


woohooo… thats awesome…again… a diamond tail… NICE!!

Ive got a very similar fin patch laminated into my longboard as I was going to glass in a D fin but ended up going with a box.

This is a great pic for understanding the fin placement in relation to the outline and tail.

not to mention its a kickass board.
