The Candy-Colored, Electric-Bright, Day-Glo Dreamsicle

Ok, so I’m now convinced that even if it’s not near as good as the crafstmanship and skilled arfulness of a seasoned shaper… riding your own board is magical beyond anything that can be attained on a stick of another’s making.

I’ve now had five sessions on my first ever self-made board and though most of my go outs were in pretty small and gutless surf, it nonetheless served up some tasty rides. Today I had two sessions worth about three hours on it, head-high long point rights, as well as small-ish, fast-peeling waist to chest beach break.

It was quite cool… and how fitting it was that one of those sessions I was accompanied by GWS - who hooked me my first board and wettie about five years ago.

Here, in a nutshell, is my review;

It’s got pinholes

It’s got burn-throughs

My third go-out a weak spot in the rail where I’d lingered too long with the sander formed an eight inch fissure that I’ve had to patch.

It’s got a sand-through on the tail and another near the nose.

Thank the gods for UV resin, though the hasty patch jobs now sport happy globs of unsanded finish coat.

It hums when I pull a backside bottom turn on a wave more than chest high.

It’s really really bright and obnoxious

The sand job sucks

The glass job is pretty horrific

I filled in the leash plug with resin by accident



And that’s a wonderful feeling. Just incredible. I’ve learned a lot… there’s a lot to improve, but it’s a start by the gods!!!

Thanks to all who gave advice and encouragement… the next one will be even better!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The Candy-Colored, Electric-Bright, Day-Glo Dreamsicle;

Nice work groovn! Good to see it finished.

Hoping to be able to relate to that feeling of riding something of your own making in the next couple of days. I just finished my first board today.

woohoo !!

a 5 fin fish …stoked for you , Groov’n indeed !!

what are the dimensions please ?

and , did you put the bonzer concaves in too ?

maybe your next one in these complimentary colours ? …

…with fcs plugs , and these coloured fins ?

then it could be a “rainbow rock, or sherbet acid fountain board”…