the cheapest finbox

last i heard raptor was the cheapest and at least somewhat better then fcs. i got some for 14$NZ a set.

 from now i on i wont use any box for over 15 dollars a set. ive tried futures fcs. fusion raptor , speedfin probox and glassons

probox being the stongest and one of the cheapest and easiest to install with raptor a close second.

when i say cheap i mean the least expensive by the way. i know in america people asscociate the word cheap with poor qaulity for some reason.

…what s included in that price?

thruster, quad?

box+fins+allen key+screws, etc?


These are a good alternative to FCS if the reps wont sell to you because you don’t make enough surfboards. I’ve found the material used in the coloured ones tend to crack more easily so I just get black.

i just want the boxes  . i wont sell a board with plastic fins and fiberglass sets are way to much money.

realistically in business if you dont make a margin on materials then you are wasting your time. a good set of glass fins and boxes are 70$NZ minimum . a realistic margin for that cost would be at least 140$ or double … WHO GETS THAT??

plastic fins are rubbish IMO. why spend all that time hotting up a lovely vehicle with all the go fast bits then paint it with a rattle can

…so you say that price for 3 boxes and then you make 3 fins for its…

i dunno mate. if the boxes were 15 and i charged them out at say 35$ and made fiberglass fins . i would like to buy fiberglass fins for around 25$  dollars so i could charge them out at 65$. i dont think its cost effective making fins unless you have a dedicated space .

 i think boxes and glass fins in a set for about 30 to 35$nz  wholesale would be viable for a cottage business

if you dont have a margin on these items you are not succesful business.  at them moment fcs glass fins and boxes are 100 to 130$nz . if i put a margin on that at 220$ this is more then 1/3 the final cost of the board. NOT VIABLE BUSINESS

…yes I understand your point

I think the same way, but I do the fins for the custom boards.

but you re trying to say that sell the board only with boxes no fins and the customer will buy the fins on a shop?

if i spent 5  grand on fins a year and had the bills but no profit that make me stupid.

btw boards retail for from 499$ to 800$ in New Zealand.

 a board off container from china is around 2 to 250$ nz

my cost

blanks $100

fcs glass fins and boxes $120

cloth 50$


plant and disposable 20$ish

 $290 for material cost.

labour is 6 hours at 50p/hour  is 300$

thats 590$ with no margin on materials


i would double my money on china board at least


hi reverb i guess i would make my own fins in the future with cloth and resin from boatbuilders at half the price!. yes i have been selling boards without fins . but not many as has been winter but getting orders now and dont want them lol. as i have better income source

i  had surfboard business as hobby and was making LOSS due to material cost . and errors or bad customer.

everything was okay but becasue i had too small margin on materials to compete. then no spare money to cover for bad payer or qaulity control problem’


Don’t firewire sell boards without fins?

is that right . that makes sense to me

get rid of the whole deal .

if firewire are not using fins and they use polyurethane for skins then they are kicking the arse margin wise

eps core is like 5 bucks for them probably and the skins probably no more then 20 or 30

…so a possible bottom line is that the fin box makers are screwing us…

hahahaha i guese thats possible mate.

when i looked at compsand i was lookn at strength etc but now i look at profitablity

if you can get a cheap composite skin then you are WAY in front wrt to profit margins

assuming you dont live on the goldcoast with a foam blower on every street corner!



yeah mate im coming over to sleep on your verandah for a week!! haha