The China Syndrome

Just reading the theads on China Surfboards and it’s not only

happening with the boards but now also with the fins. There are 3 commerical fin makers in Australia all on the East Coast.

One still makes them out of panel sheets, with the other two

doing core filled products. But there is a company that has a fin

system [not F.C.S.] that has started to import Chinese Glass-on

fins into our country to try and prop-up there poor sales in tagged fin’s, and there landing in the market place at $6.00USD

per set total cost than selling them for $23.00AUD per set to

the boardmakers, they are poor in quality and have a greater flex than

other product’s in the Australian market.

So buy homemade product's where ever your from. 

P.S. Don’t see many Chinese surfer’s these day’s.


Consumerism, it’s a sport these days, holding our economy together by a thread of a few hundred points on the Dow Stock exchange. There are so many layers to it that it is mind boggling.

My wife joined the frenzy yesterday, coming back from the depot w/ all of this cool stuff; folding wood handled box cutters and pliers for under $10.00, quiver of flash lights etc. It’s crazy, everything said “Made in China”.

Surfboard shapers referring to Consumer entry board markets…. Bla bla bla…Crazy. Is there really much difference in the 4 oz./ sand only thruster? My Chiroprator buys his C.I. 3’s by the 1/2 dozen.

Hi Mike,

        May I say just a beaut board,from the quality of the 

finish to the hand crafted blank ‘’ so fine’’ .

Per head the Chinese will become the economic power in the not to distant future if we all just keep sending our money


              Regards Rod