The Complete Trilogy- Airbrushing 101

Got my copy of “Airbrushing 101” that I ordered way back in the summer when it was first announced. I watched it tonight and found it to be well worth the wait, (outstanding job Carl!) it really offers some good insight into adding artwork to a surfboard. If nothing else I’ve got an even greater respect for another group of artisans involved in commercial board building. It covers airbrush fades and layering, falsa techniques, paint pens and lots of good tips to keep your first attempts trouble free. Praise to the gang in the color house and pass me the paint pens. TS

Got my copy of “Airbrushing 101” that I ordered way back in the > summer when it was first announced. I watched it tonight and found it to > be well worth the wait, (outstanding job Carl!) it really offers some good > insight into adding artwork to a surfboard. If nothing else I’ve got an > even greater respect for another group of artisans involved in commercial > board building. It covers airbrush fades and layering, falsa techniques, > paint pens and lots of good tips to keep your first attempts trouble free. > Praise to the gang in the color house and pass me the paint pens.>>> TS I am looking forward to getting my copy. I called Carl last week for mine, but I don’t have it yet. Magoo

Got my copy today!My hats off to Carl,John,and the J.C.paint crew for putting out a great production video.>>>Even though my technique is alot different,I still will pick-it-apart for tasty morsels I can apply to my own style of airbrushing.>>>I actually enjoyed hearing J.C. talk about his stand in life,and in a split second that you realize how much we really don’t have control of things as much as we would like to think we do. …Mostly I was glad to see that I am actually ahead of the ballgame when it comes to AIRBRUSHING/EQUIPMENT/TECHNIQUE…THANKS AGAIN!!! Herb.

…Mostly I was glad to see that I am actually ahead of the ballgame when > it comes to AIRBRUSHING/EQUIPMENT/TECHNIQUE…THANKS AGAIN!!!>>> Herb. Looking forward to seeing it. How does their techniques differ from your own? i would imagine their’s emphisizes speed. Seems like an underpaid profession unless your taping eye is amazing. Seems very gratifying after a decent sprayjob but very disappointing when things go wrong. You guys care to dicsuss?

Looking forward to seeing it. How does their techniques differ from your > own? i would imagine their’s emphisizes speed. Seems like an underpaid > profession unless your taping eye is amazing. Seems very gratifying after > a decent sprayjob but very disappointing when things go wrong. You guys > care to dicsuss?>>>Sure,One of the major differences is tape useage.I tend to use alot less tape(alot less).This came out of economics/time for me.In fact the way I create a low flow venturi draft under the racks eliminates the need for masking off the bottom or oposite side. >I never use poster paints(to many fricken problems with it).and I mix with other mediums for faster drying time. >I like my touch-up gun ,but tend to lean towards my cheapo Harbor freight $5-7.00 AIRBRUSHES.These airbrushes are crude and flow alot of paint,and are hard to control(so I wouldn’t recommend them to just anyone).Plus my air-line system,valves,and hook-ups for this brush is “high tech” in comparison to running around with a big heavy hose and gun.My system uses a 5/32" airline with overhead hook-up,and WEIGHS LESS THAN A POUND WITH PAINT!!! >This is just a few differences,but what J.C. has to offer is good sound painting techniques,and should be regarded as a standard pratice in the industry.Herb.

And yes it is a under paid,and under appreciated job.I don’t even see how the “label” makes much on the paint job,but like J.C. said some guy would want the world painted on his board and it would take you, like 3 days,and you get ,like $5.00 for the work.Herb.

And yes it is a under paid,and under appreciated job.I don’t even see how > the “label” makes much on the paint job,but like J.C. said some > guy would want the world painted on his board and it would take you, like > 3 days,and you get ,like $5.00 for the work.Herb. Herb, you may have been serious or you may have been facetious on the “want the world” comment, but I have just done this - literally. I just finished last night painting a map of the world on my new board. However, I did it all by hand with brushes. It took a long time though as I broke it down into individual countries and tried to be very accurate. I’m very pleased with it, but as my wife kept pointing out, it is not going to change the way it rides so it may not have been worth the time. I’m pleased with the results so I say it was. Anyway, where can one get a copy of this video?

Contact Carl @ (800)-833-0369,he’s really cool!Herb.

Max I’d like to see some pics of your board before you wax it up, post some pics in the archive if possible!

Care to elaborate, I’m awhere of the static cling of atomized paint to exposed foam so I started doing sprays outdoors for the windyness, I like not papering the bottom can you discuss? Also how often do you spray first with white? Why?and is it a bleed guarantee? Aren’t the lines crisper? What do you think?

Care to elaborate, I’m awhere of the static cling of atomized paint to > exposed foam so I started doing sprays outdoors for the windyness, I like > not papering the bottom can you discuss? Also how often do you spray first > with white? Why?and is it a bleed guarantee? Aren’t the lines crisper? > What do you think? A very old painter`s trick: the application of background color after masking, before any other color, will minimize bleeding. In this case, providing a white on white coating over the junction of foam and tape. The initial use of white will likely bleed a little bit under the tape, forming a nearly invisible seal for all subsequent colors.

Care to elaborate, I’m awhere of the static cling of atomized paint to > exposed foam so I started doing sprays outdoors for the windyness, I like > not papering the bottom can you discuss? Also how often do you spray first > with white? Why?and is it a bleed guarantee? Aren’t the lines crisper? > What do you think?>>>>>>>>>>>It’s really simple.Take 2 fans(box fans will work) one in front of the racks and one in back.Position them about 4" below the board,and have the draft flow in one direction,going out of your building/garage door.Now position your garage door at a angle(slightly closed,you need to play with this abit),this will allow the airIN to flow over your head and back behind you as the fans pick-up the in ward flow and blow it back under your board.This has greatly reduced my painting/prep time by 30-70%,depending on what I trying to achive.In most cases on my boards, all I tape off is my stringer.(if the draft flow isn’t correct you might get a little fog on the other side).Never spray below the vertical line on the rails,and spray as much from the opposite rail/side as much as possible.>>>>>>>>>>>I rarely spray boards with white first,I use to for the reasons that Dale stated,but my Techniques have gotten so good that it’s more time spent for me that’s not ness.EXAMPLE:ALL THE BOARDS ON THE BOARD PAGE ARE STRAIGHT COLORS W/O THE WHITE BACKGROUND WITH THE EXCEPTION OF Dave Headdy’s board ,because of the black rails(and that’s more for the foam not to suck the color out of the black!).Herb.