The Duke...

Last Sunday in the Los Angeles Times Magazine insert there was an interesting article about the legal battles going on over the rights to D.H.'s name. Seems like one “owner” (owner A) sells the name to a new “owner” (owner B) only to have another “owner” (owner C) sue because the seller (owner A) didn’t really own the name, owner C did. I’m sure you get the picture… and it is so ironic because the REAL Duke (who in fact owned his own name) was one of the finest, most generous people on the planet. ALOOOOHA!!!

I was once involved in a project featuring an airbrushed portrait on the back of a suit. In the course of my research, a number of calls were made to Graceland aka Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. in Memphis. I`ll never forget one authority who casually stated the undisputed “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll” was worth far more dead than alive…

That would be D.K. Kahanamoku

speaking of which has anyone tried to make a replica of one of his boards? id be interested in trying to do that for a winter project.