The experiment !!! *PIC*

Dear Paul, Firstly sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have been at sea up to 6 weeks ago and since then terribly busy. We have recieved a 2nd blank from homeblown, MDI foam, stringerless. This is what We will shape the board from. The first one was broken in transit. I should also get a free blank out of Seabase/Clarks but in truth, it will be Homeblown or surfoam that I will base further research on. I already have another potential shaper in Galway, Ireland, a third in Wexford. We also have had both Carve and Surfer Mag express their interest, as did surfers path. We can expect that around March/April 2004. All the best S F ----------------------------- Ok ,about the above, since releasing the information to build your own FP there have been numerous feedback enquires. Some of which are leading to local shapers actually taking on the assingment of building their own boards. And some of these individuals who are taking this opportunity of building their own boards will test them and write the findings in comming magazine articles. So by all means if you are good with the pen and have a shaper mate and know a good surfer you could also write this up for a major magazine with your name at the bottom. Get cracking!!!

please, not that thing again!

Thanks, Paul. That’s more in the spirit of swaylocks. regards, Håvard

At first I thought, “hmmm that’s a [literally] fat board,” but then I did some ‘forensic analysis’ on the pictures on the website and saw that the tail has the width of a mid-length board’s and the nose is pretty narrow. Has anyone made a longboard version of a fat penguin? Is turning that much influenced by this shape? How would a longboard handle?

Hi there, Yes there is a long board version of the FP 8’2" with a 20" or 21" nose. Trevor the owner loves to ride it on bigger days, he gets rides (at “Scotts Head” Australia)that go all the fin grinding way to the beach. He comments that turning the board is as easy as a short board. Check the side elevation diagram notice how from tip of the board there is a full board rocker for long arc turns(lines and Power) and a rear rocker section intergrated with the wing leading edge. It starts from the wings leading edge and goes to the end of the board. For high in the wave and short radius turns. We here at Penguin are not afraid of putting our boards into scrutiny. The plans are there for all. Thanks for your feedback !!!