the famous travel board...


That’s perfect. Hell an 8.5" Whiteside template (I think that’s what it is) may work just great on that board. It’s a little flexible as I recall so I’m not sure you’ll get enough drive out of it but who knows it make work just fine. It oughta be pretty sensitive with that thick leading edge and vertical cord held well forward like it is. The board may nose ride pretty good with that one in too. Let me know how it goes Proneman.

Hey Bagman – good call! That’s a good idea sending that one around with the travel board.

Mahalo, Rich

i may be getting that board today from Proneman.if not today, soon i hope.Proneman-where are you??

fmtb is now in my hands-the grin of anticipation is beyond ear-to-ear.sir ambrose, you’ve done it again!

The FMTB is now in the arms of Matt up Ventura way. He was all lit up to get it and kept muttering and chuckling about how great it all was and Amborse this and that. I gave him fair warning about how things could be different for him, as he was in possession of something magic and powerful… yet unknown. I knew by the huge grin on his face that he was ready! My last go out was at Malibu on a 2-3 foot day and I got it going pretty good with one of the fins Ambrose has traveling with the board. I had my 10-0 with me and took it out after I rode the FMTB which I put against the fence in front of the Chumash encampment. What a strikng sight to see from the water… glowing and glimmering in the afternoon sun.

Up on the highway, lots of looks and comments as the FMTB fulfills it’s destiny.

BTW, since having possession of this board my wave greed has lessened and I find myself forgoing waves I never would of before. Maybe it is just my tired shoulders and elbows, but I’d like to think otherwise!

Proneman…Standing for what is possible!

sorry all, but the FMTB is now permanenlty monuted above the mantle…what a piece of art!

mmmmmmmmmmmm pitas [do i speel currectly? ] the northwest thats here will be there soon start stretching now Mateo…ambrose…stanley’s trembles below the freeway wishing to have its innertube scratched

on a rare occassion, with extreme low tide stanley’s shows a glimmer of it’s former self.what i miss about that place is the restaurant itself-a classic little, unassuming place with character to spare on the inside.a saturday evening get together for all the local residents up and down the 'con.fond memmories that will be cherished to the end…i can smell it now.

ate there with my mom on the way back from san diego after surfin …1964…and the oil well kept goin up and down and up and down like that drinkin’ glass bird at the joke -magik shoppe…ambrose… every body else I ever met named stanley ever measured up to the charisma of STANLEY"S…my first shaping garage was on the corner of stanley and livingston…how presumptious…

ahh yes…

It was always a challenge to pull out on the old coast highway in my 48 chevy fleetline with some big rig bearing down on ya !!

Kirk, What the hell is the. Nevermind. I remember crusing in the 48’. That thing was awesome. When I was a kid my mom and dad had a gunmetal dark blue 48’. I guess this thread digressed from the travel board to Stanleys. I remember late evening glass wind swells back in the day. Remember Mark Livingston? I remember a session at Stanleys probably 66 or 67 he set the mark for that day. That is where I met Stu F. geeze it brings back memories…Give me a call sometime.

YES the travel board strikes again…I’ll bet the board would fit in the back of a stock 48 and close the door with enough room to sleep with your feet straight out… hey get a picture of Stu Fredricks and Linda with the board for the book She was my contact when I sent down orders… ambrose … one of those older college chicks,you know worldly and she would talk to you even if you were a kid…

so i thought i’d ressurrect this thread…have had some really good sessions on the travel board the last week on a camping trip with some friends into the central coast…

as a matter of fact picked it up on new years eve from john mellor and we surfed with he and his son some howling offshore blue california beachie…thanks for the pizza john and your projects/workspace are awesome!

then up to plask wher it scored an INSANE day of head high blue madness a couple miles down the road lefts peeling onto shore/into bull kelp channel…4 friends for 5 hrs with 2 more people who came and went…one was a nine yr old kid on his second day ever on a surfboard takin off over boils (his dad was way cool teachin him by letting him paddle out by himself) and another fellow surfin ther for the first time who was riding one of his own shapes and surfing damn good

the session was insane…the travel board would fly through, then paddling out dudley would fly by on a mat draggin his inside arm into the shorebreak, then another crazy friend would fly by on a board he shaped himself, then another friend would fly by on one of terry hendrick’s spoon experiments…just insane like kids at an amusement park with no lines

the board loves to draw mat lines…fade backside (almost totally right) then out onto flats and draw it up into the pocket frontside hopefully for a little crouch and cover…it also flies down the line and likes it when you get low and do grab rail drop knee cutties back onto the flats and into the foam reform…

surfed it yestday down home in a kinda juicy left point break and it went well, stable and fast…fade it straight down and come off the bottom hard to pull into the pocket/boil riddled toobs get your weight lo and go!

SOLID in the pocket/tube even underfinned with a greenough 4a eight inch midway in the box, wish i had a nine

it feels like a hull that’ll handle hairier situations, haven’t found its limits yet in the surf (feels like it can ride much bigger with the right fin and much smaller surf too!)

duck dives well thanks all and if anyone wants to surf it let me know!


also the log book that accompanies the board is one of the coolest ideas for a book i’ve come across…so stoked…