The First Super Bowl..............

It wasn’t called that, it was ‘‘just’’ The Bowl.       I’m talking about the bowl at Makaha.      What an experience.        As I recall, it takes a big swell, and 20 foot point surf, to be present.      Depending on the swell direction, and the tide, some of the larger waves will break outside of the bowl, and the rider will not have to deal with it.      My first exposure to surf films, and specifically Makaha, was in 1952, or 1953.      It was on KTLA Ch. 5, out of Los Angeles.       In those days, TV was not broadcast  24/7.      Around 4:00 pm, the test patterns would come on, before something live would be broadcast.      While scanning the dial, I bumped into a program in progress, showing big waves being ridden, and narrated live by Bud Brown.     All in living Black&White !      The ‘‘seed’’ was planted, and I was never the same, after that.     I was 11 or 12 years old.      I still haven’t recovered.

Good story.  I’d love to see some video or pictures of the bowl.  Are there any videos you know of to seek out?

all the best

Aloha Greg, 

If there is any way to access early Bud Brown films, or still photo’s from the early ('52 thru ;55) fifties, there will be plenty of Makaha bowl shots.         If you google ‘‘Jim Fisher, Makaha surfer’’ some stuff will come up.      Jim was a WindanSea regular in the mid 50’s through early 70’s, and renowned for his big wave exploits at Makaha,      I know Anna (Trent) Moore,  Buzzy’s daughter, has possession of Bud’s film archive.      She may also be a source of some early stills.